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Tutorial on Congestion Games

(14 December 2015)

Venue: IMS Auditorium

Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Activities · Venue


Monday, 14 Dec 2015

08:50am - 09:00am


09:00am - 10:30am

Network congestion games I (PDF)
Roberto Cominetti, Universidad de Chile, Chile

10:30am - 11:00am

--- Coffee Break ---

11:00am - 12:30pm

Network congestion games II (PDF)
Roberto Cominetti, Universidad de Chile, Chile

12.30pm - 02:00pm

--- Lunch Break ---

02:00pm - 03:30pm

Network congestion games III (PDF)
Roberto Cominetti, Universidad de Chile, Chile

03:30pm - 04:00pm

--- Coffee Break ---

04:00pm - 05:30pm

Network congestion games IV (PDF)
Roberto Cominetti, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Activities · Venue

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