Algorithmic Biology: Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology

(1 Jun - 31 Jul 2006)

~ Abstracts ~

An introduction to systems biology
Mehmet M. Dalkilic, Indiana University, USA

Recent availability of not only scores of genomes, but readily accessible generation and collection of genome-scale data has allowed scientists to begin asking questions more broadly on what is often called a "systems level". By assembling many disparate kinds of local gene-gene interactions, we can finally start to observe globally how these interactions work. We hope a more complete picture is formed about, say, disease development, and even evolution. And from this holistic perspective, perhaps we can better understand the local interactions as well. There are numerous challenges to creating these so-called integrated networks--assembly, validation, interpretation, visualization, etc. In this tutorial we will introduce the participants to applied systems biology by presenting its constituent parts then delve into an ongoing project using Drosophila. The tutorial will conclude with identifying exciting open problems in this area.

I. Introduction and Motivation to Systems Biology
II. Systems Biology Discovery Process and Framework
III. Genome-scale Data
IV. Gene Circuits
V. Organisms
VI. Literature Review
VII. Working Example on Complex Metazoan, Indigene: Integrated
Discovery in Gene Networks (Drosophila)
VIII. Future Directions of Systems Biology
IX. Summary & Conclusions

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An introduction to computational proteomics and glycomics
Haixu Tang, Indiana University, USA
Hon Wai Leong, National University of Singapore

The success of human genome project has demonstrated the power of automated analytical technologies
in advancing life sciences. In recent years, because of its high sensitivity, mass spectroscopy (MS) has become an essential analytical technology in analyzing proteins, glycans, lipids and metabolites, and resulted in several new multidisciplinary fields, proteomics, glycomics and metabolomics. Proteomics aims to identify the whole set of proteins inside a cell ('proteome') and to study their dynamic changes across different physiological conditions. Similarly, glycomics aims to identify the functional glycans, sometimes attached to proteins or cell membrane, inside a cell ('glycome'). In this tutorial, we will introduce the fundamental concepts of proteomics and glycomics, with a focus on the bioinformatics approaches to analyzing the data from these projects, and the open problems in the field.

Lecture 1: Instrumentation and experiment design in proteomics
  Mass spectrumetry instruments
    Mass spectrometers
      Ion trap (IT)
      Time of flight (TOF)
    Tandem mass spectrometry
      Peptide fragmentation
  Experimental design in proteomics
    2D Gel electrophoresis
    Shotgun proteomics

Lecture 2: Protein identifition and quantification
  Peptide identification
  Prediction of peptide fragmentary spectra
  Protein inference problem
  Protein quantification
    Isotopic labeling
    Label-free methods

Lecture 3: Peptide de novo sequencing
  Spectrum graph
  Learning spectrum graph
  Post translational modifications (PTMs)
    Spectrum alignment
    Spectrum assembly

Lecture 4: Glycomics and glycoproteomics
  Structure of oligosaccharides
  Glycan sequencing
    Fragmentation of glycans
    Glycan sequencing algorithm
    Linkage elucidation
    Tandem mass spectra of glycopeptides
    In-source fragmentation

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The role of mathematics and computer science in molecular biology research
Martin Tompa, University of Washington, USA

What role do mathematicians and computer scientists have to play in the genome projects that have revolutionized biology over the past decade? I will try to give some indication by looking in some depth at two particular problems in the analysis of biological sequences. One is an overview of how the human genome was sequenced. The other is called "phylogenetic footprinting", and is a method for discovering functional regions of DNA by comparing the DNA sequences of multiple species.

No prior knowledge of mathematics, computer science, or molecular biology will be assumed.