Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Scalar Transport in the Tropics

(13 Nov - 8 Dec 2006)

~ Abstracts ~

Large-scale tropical atmospheric dynamics: waves or balance?
Jun-Ichi Yano, Meteo France

It is often considered that the large-scale tropical atmosphere is not in any balanced state but characterized by an ensemble of equatorial waves. Observationally speaking, various longitudinally-propagating moist convective coherencies are seen with the Madden-Julian wave probably, as the best known example. These coherencies are often interpreted as equatorial waves generated under a coupling with moist convective processes. However, a conventional scale analysis (as used for deriving the midlatitude quasi-geostrophy) fail to convincingly support this view.

The present talk proposes an alternative possibility that the tropical large-scale is dominated by a balanced dynamics. The proposed balanced dynamic consists of the two parts. The first and a more dominant balance is the one between the vertical advection and the diabatic heating in the thermodynamic equation (the thermodynamic balance). An equivalent balance condition may also be posed on the moisture equation. These are well known dominant balances in the tropical convective observations, and applied to the large-scale dynamic context as a weak-temperature gradient (WTG) approximation by Sobel et al. The second one is the nondivergence condition to the leading order, as originally proposed by Charney (1963).

The formulation for the tropical balanced dynamics, observational evidences, and the implications will be discussed.

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Vortex interactions and the barotropic aspects of concentric eyewall formation
Hung-Chi Kuo, National Taiwan University

As an idealization of the interaction of a tropical cyclone core with nearby weaker vorticity of various spatial scales, the authors consider nondivergent barotropic model integrations of the vortex interactions with modified Rankine vortices. We address the issues of why there is a wide range of radii for concentric eyewalls and roles of the moat and the turbulent vorticity scale in the formation of concentric eyewall structure. An important parameter in the classification
of the resulting interactions is the vorticity strength ratio. Variation of this parameter can lead to end states that can be classified as vortex mergers, tripole structures, or concentric eyewall structures. Concentric
structures result from binary interactions in which
the small vortex is at least 4 to 6 times stronger than the larger companion vortex. An additional requirement is that the separation distance between the edges of the two vortices be less than six times the smaller vortex radius. In general, when the companion vortex is three time larger than the core vortex in radius, a core vortex with a vorticity skirt produce concentric structures in the region where the separation distance is 4 times greater than the smaller vortex. The region is where the Rankine vortex has elastic interaction. Thus, a Rankine vortex favors the formation of a concentric structure closer to the core vortex, while the skirted vortices favor the formation of concentric structures farther from the core vortex. This may explain the satellite microwave observations that suggest a wide range of radii for concentric eyewalls. The numerical results also indicate that a strong tropical cyclone with a moat of 10--20 km width is able to organize a stirred vorticity field with 40--50 km spatial scale into a concentric structure with magnitude similar to those formed in binary vortex interactions. Both binary vortex interaction experiments and turbulent background vorticity experiments highlight the pivotal role of the core vorticity strength in maintaining itself, and in
stretching, organizing, and stabilizing the outer vorticity field. Furthermore, these experiments depict the shielding effect of the moat in preventing further merger and enstrophy cascade processes during
concentric eyewall formation. Finally, the results support the notion that concentric eyewalls form only in strong tropical cyclones.

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Development and numerical results of a global cloud resolving model and its potential application to numerical weather forcasting of tropics
Masaki Satoh, University of Tokyo

We review simulation results and development of the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), which achieved the first global cloud resolving simulations (GCRM) with 3.5km-mesh horizontal grid interval using the Earth Simulator.

NICAM is developed at Frontier Research Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC, and Center for Climate System Reseach, Univ. of Tokyo. It is aimed to simulate more reliable climate states by representing explicit deep convective circulations instead of using ambiguous cumulus parameterizations. Toward this aim, we are testing the model in various kinds of experimnets. We conducted three GCRM runs: 1. the aqua planet experiment, 2. a short-term (one week) experiment with the realistic land/sea distribution for Apr.2004 condition, and 3. a long-term (a few months) climatological statistical experiment for perpetual July condition.

The GCRM captures behaviors of cloud systems in the tropics: diurnal cycles of convection, land/sea contrast of cloud clusters, and super-cloud clusters. It is expected that GCRM will give better simulations of the intraseasonal variability incuding the Madden Julian Oscillation, cyclogenesis of tropical cyclones, and more reliable climate sensitiviy without ambiguity of cumulus parameterization. These will lead to better numerical weather forcasting in the tropics. We will argue some of the issues of development of GCRM.

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Cloud-resolving modeling of cloud system during Jakarta flood event for period of january 2002
Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Numerical simulations of cloud systems for the period of 26–30 January 2002 for area of Indonesia and Java are performed using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) - Advance Research WRF (ARW) model. The focus area will be in West Java. The aim is to reproduce cloud systems over the Jakarta area that brought torrential rain. The current result shows domination of tropical cyclone in the Indian Ocean to precipitation over western West Java is strong as seen on the day one. On the other day, even the cyclone has disappeared precipitation tendency still high in northern Jakarta. Blocking zones were found to prevent the growth of cloud system. The blocking zones were possible explanations why the high amount of precipitation only occurs in Jakarta and caused the flood.

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The influence of meteorological conditions on the distribution of smoke haze distribution over Indonesia 1997/1998
Kadarsah Bin Sukandar Riadi, Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space

Numerical modeling of fire-related smoke haze episodes in Southeast Asia is important for both prediction and assessment of atmospheric impacts, especially when observational data are fragmentary, as is the situation in Indonesia. This research is aimed to analyze the influence of meteorological conditions on the distribution of the smoke haze from the forest fire in Indonesia with a regional climate model (REMO) that has been modified into REMO with Tracer Extension (REMOTE) from the Max Planck Institute. This model includes an estimate of the gaseous and particulate matter emission from vegetation and peat fires in Indonesia. Forest fire emission inventory of July to December 1997 has been used as main data to simulations that used meteorological condition of 1997 or the El Nino period, condition on the Normal period (July to December 1996) and the La Nina period (July to December 1998). We investigate the role of different meteorological condition in setting up the smoke haze distribution. The result of simulations over those three periods will be compared among each other to analyze the influence of the respective meteorological condition toward regional smoke haze distribution vertically and horizontally. We simulated those scenarios using REMOTE under a Linux operating system with main forcing data from the European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecast and forest fire emission inventory from the ATSR satellite derivation database. The major parameter measured is PM10 (particulate with a diameter below 10 μm). We found out that the smoke haze distribution were mainly influenced by the wind and sea surface temperature anomaly in other years that consequently brings less distributed area in the normal and in La Nina period. The water content level will bring implication on the precipitation processes and the wet deposition that is larger and the accumulated PM10 will reach the maximum during the La Nina period. Furthermore, the smoke haze distribution is influenced by the wind that reached maximum during the El Niño period, especially on September 1997. Strongly reduced rainfall and generally stronger southeasterly winds during El Niño years provide favorable conditions for larger scale smoke haze pollution. In years with normal meteorological conditions, intermittent precipitation and associated wet deposition during the dry season is predicted to remove most of the particulate emissions close to the sources. The emission data inventory emission and the simulation result shows that Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Papua are major source of smoke haze of forest fire in Indonesia and the distribution of the smoke haze will be larger during the La Niña, Normal, and El Niño period, consecutively. Meanwhile, the concentration becomes larger from the El Niño, La Niña, and normal periods, consecutively. The concentration of PM10 reaches maximum on October 1996 and 1998 as much as 35,000 μg/m3 or during La Niña and Normal periods. The extent of the smoke distribution reaches the maximum on September 1997 in Kalimantan of about 2.904.000 km2.

Keywords: Regional Model, PM10, El Niño, La Niña

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Application of geostatistical techniques in satellite-based rainfall retrieval
Chee Kiat Teo, Temasek Laboratories, NUS

Some geostatistical techniques applicable for interpolating meteorological fields are discussed in the context of spatial interpolation of rainfall fields and rainfall retrieval from satellite images. Kriging as an objective method in spatialising rainfall field from rainfall gauge observations inclusive of a treatment of intermittent rainfall fields is first discussed. This is followed by a description of an adoption of the Sequential Simulation technique to stochastically generate spatial rainfall fields given satellite images, useful for sensitivity studies or ensemble methods in upstream hydrological and agricultural applications.

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Impacts of the tibetan plateau on the climate in tropics and subtropics
Guo Xiong Wu, Institute of Atmosphreic Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Recent progress from the study of the mechanical as well as thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on the circulation and climate in Asia are summarized as a complement to the newly published history review of Yanai and Wu (2006). Efforts are made to provide new understanding through diagnosis and numerical experiments. The air column over the TP descends in winter and ascends in summer each year, working as an air-pump. It is shown that such an air-pumping can regulate the surface Asian monsoon flow effectively only because it is driven by the surface sensible heating on its sloping lateral surfaces. It is therefore named as the Tibetan Plateau Sensible Heat Driving Air-Pump (TP-SHAP). The retarding and deflecting effects of the TP in winter generate an asymmetric dipole zonal-deviation circulation with a large anticyclone gyre to the north and a cyclonic gyre to the south. This enhances cold outbreaks from the north over East Asia, results in a dry climate in South Asia and a moist climate over the Indochina Peninsula and South China, and forms the persistent rainfall in early spring (PRES) in South China. In summer the TP-SHAP generates a cyclonic spiral zonal-deviation circulation in the lower troposphere, which converges towards and rises over the TP. It is shown that because the TP is located on the east of the Eurasian Continent, in summertime the meridional wind and vertical motion forced by the Eurasian continental-scale heating and the TP local heating are in phase over the eastern part of the continent. The monsoon in East Asia and the dry climate in the Middle Asia are therefore intensified. It is also shown that the thermal contrast between the TP and Iran Plateau contributes to the presence of the bimodality of the South Asian High with regard to the longitude location of its center and the occurrence of large-scale drought and flood in Asia.


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Land-sea distributions and modeling of the asian monsoon
Yimin Liu, Institute of Atmosphreic Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The roles of land-sea contrast and the associated diabatic heating in the formation of the Asian summer monsoon and the subtropical anticyclone are examined through data diagnoses and numerical experiments. Results show that the existence and geometric shape of land-sea distribution crucially affect the Asian summer monsoon. In an aqua-planet case, no monsoon is observed. In an experiment in which only the subtropical Eurasian landmass exists, there is a weak summer monsoon over its southeastern corner, but there is no tropical summer monsoon. The existence of tropical lands induces cross-equatorial flows and strong low-level southwesterlies over the tropical regions, leading to the formation of the Asian summer monsoon over India, the Bay of Bengal, and the South China Sea. The extension of the subtropical continent into the tropics greatly enhances the “East Asian monsoon”.
The relative impacts of different diabatic heating which is associated with the land-sea distribution and their synthetic effects on the formation of the summertime subtropical anticyclones will also be discussed. Results show that the strong land-surface sensible heating (SE) on the west and condensation heating (CO) on the east over each continent generate cyclones in the lower layers and anticyclones in the upper layers, whereas radiation cooling over oceans generates the lower layer anticyclone and upper layer cyclone circulations. Such circulation patterns are interpreted in terms of the atmospheric adaptation to diabatic heating through a PV- view. A Sverdrup balance is used to explain the zonal asymmetric configuration of the surface subtropical anticyclones. The center of the surface subtropical anticyclone is then shifted towards the eastern ocean, and its zonal asymmetry is induced. We concludes that in the summer subtropics over each continent and its adjacent oceans, LO, SE, CO and of a double-dominant heating (D) from west to east compose a LOSECOD heating quadruplet. A specific zonal asymmetric circulation pattern is then formed in response to the LOSECOD quadruplet heating. The global summer subtropical heating and circulation can then be viewed as “mosaics” of such a quadruplet heating and circulation patterns, respectively.

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Simulating Sumatra squall lines using COAMPS®
Lan Yi, Nanyang Technological University

The US Navy’s mesoscale numerical weather prediction model COAMPS* was employed to simulate the Sumatra squall lines. These impactive convective storms frequently form along the Melaka Straits and sweep across Malaysia and Singapore in the early morning hours from April to October each year. In order to understand and better predict this weather system, investigations on dynamics of the convection self organization, and mechanisms of boundary forcing and large scale control, were carried out through idealized and semi-idealized model experiments. Real case simulations and Ensemble Kalman Filtering data assimilation coupled with COAMPS model were performed as well.

* COAMPS stands for Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System. COAMPS is a registered trademark of US Naval Research Laboratory.


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Current problems in tropical meteorology
Adam Sobel, Columbia University

I will discuss some open problems in tropical meteorology. No attempt will be made to be exhaustive. I will address issues of observations, modeling, and theory, but with an emphasis on places where theoretical understanding is needed, and idealized models may have a role to play in interpreting results from observations and more comprehensive simulations. Time permitting, I will discuss the mechanism of the Madden-Julian oscillation, the double ITCZ problem in general circulation models, and the relationship between tropical cyclones and climate.


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ENSO and western north pacific tropical cyclones
Adam Sobel, Columbia University

I will discuss various aspects of the relationship between the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon and tropical cyclones in the western north Pacific. Topics to be discussed include: the relationship between ENSO and TC intensity; attribution of the relationship between ENSO and mean genesis location to specific physical factors; and the possibility that TCs may feed back to influence the dynamics of ENSO itself.


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Assimilation of satellite altimetry data into ocean circulation model
Vladan Babovic, National University of Singapore

Common problem in oceanographic modelling is that areas of interest are scarcely covered with in-situ tide gauges. Furthermore, most of the tide gauges are situated in shallow areas directly along the coast or in estuaries, not representing the offshore hydrodynamics in deeper open waters. One option is to match the hydrodynamic model with the tide gauge data, leaving it up to the model dynamics to resolve sea level heights and current predictions in the deeper parts. Another option is to utilise modern satellite altimetry data in order to accurately model dynamics of deep ocean. This presentation explores utilisation of satellite altimetry in connection with oceanographic models and particularly in data assimilation sense.

The altimeter signal can be further analysed in order to obtain sea surface anomaly patterns (SSA). With SSA it is possible to take into account seasonal water level variations due to long term meteorological setup, such as monsoon. The contribution describes an application of data assimilation to combine satellite altimetry with oceanographic models in order to arrive at more accurate oceanographic models.

Numerical models are far from being perfect. A numerical model is indeed only a model of reality. It employs a number of simplifying assumptions, such as depth averaging of velocities in vertically integrated two-dimensional models, which inevitably produce inaccuracies. In a numerical model, one also discretises the domain and is therefore not able to resolve numerous subgrid-scale phenomena. Errors in the model parameterisation (because most model parameters cannot be directly measured) may contribute significantly to the overall error in a numerical model. It is also impossible to precisely define initial conditions and forcing terms over the entire computational domain. All of these inaccuracies and uncertainties could accumulate to produce poor model results, despite our perfect knowledge of the governing laws.

To combat the inevitable presence of such model errors, a number of approaches for correcting the model results are employed. Data assimilation is a methodology that utilizes information from observations, and combines it with (or assimilate it into) numerical models. A number of different data assimilation procedures can be adopted. These are designed to either improve description of initial conditions at the time of forecast or provide correction of model predictions during a forecast period. The data assimilation procedures may be classified as follows: (i) updating of input parameters:, (ii) updating of state variables, (iii) updating of model parameters and (iv) updating of output variables (error prediction).

In model error prediction techniques such as artificial neural networks, genetic programming or an approach based on chaos theory have demonstrated good forecast skill. By using these techniques, one can combine the forecast of the numerical model (model output) at the point of interest with the latest observed data in order to obtain an improved forecast. Another advantage of such an approach is that it allows the combination of different variables (for example, atmospheric data such as wind speed) to improve the accuracy. This cannot be done in conventional data assimilation methods where the data has to be introduced in the model state in order to be assimilated.

In addition to providing theoretical background, the presentation will also show an application of the approach on modelling residual currents in Malacca and Singapore Strait.


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Separation, re-attachment, transport, and mixing in Rayleigh-Benard convection cells
Francois Lekien, Princeton University

Numerous experiments have revealed the presence of hyperbolic manifolds that govern mixing in time-chaotic systems. These structures represents alleyways and barriers to transport, and provide a geometric description of the mixing processes in the system. Near the surface of an airfoil, a container boundary, or a coastline, hyperbolic manifolds correspond to separation and re-attachment profiles. Recent exact criteria are used to detect and extract separation points and related separation profiles. The existence of such analytic criteria permits the development of efficient algorithms to detect and control the separation points in systems such as randomized Rayleigh-Benard convection cells.

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Numerical experiments on the layered structures in the mid-troposphere over the equatorial Pacific with a mesoscale model
Shigeo Yoden, Kyoto University

Three-dimensional structures and transport processes associated with layered structures in the tropical mid-troposphere over the eastern Pacific, which are often observed by radiosonde and airborne measurements as anti-correlation between humidity and ozone, are investigated numerically with a mesoscale limited-area model. We reproduced a thin layered structure of high humidity, which has a horizontal scale of about 1000 km and a vertical extent of about 1 km, in the simulation for September 1999. Particle transport experiments around the layered structure show that the wet part of the layered structure is advected from the intertropical convergence zone by northwesterly winds, while dry parts above and below it come from the southeast direction. Streamline analysis shows that the thin layered structure is produced by the vertical shear of a horizontal wind component. This shear is associated with longitudinal displacement of a stagnation point, which is located between two synoptic-scale vortices, with height.

We also performed an experiment on year-to-year variation of the layered structures over the tropical eastern Pacific for Septembers from 1999 to 2005. All the years, layered structures are obtained to the south of the intertropical convergence zone. Large year-to-year variation in the occurrence ratio of the layered structures is found to have a good correlation with that of the Southern-Ocillation index known as an index of El Nino.

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Ocean hydrodynamics model with tidal forcing derived using an Artificial Neural Network
My Ha Dao, National University of Singapore

The prescription of open boundary conditions is one of the greatest challenges in ocean and coastal hydrodynamic modeling. It requires extensive information on current velocity, tidal elevation, temperature and salinity at specific points in time and space. Once boundary conditions are known and correctly prescribed, one can solve a set of governing equations to simulate the dynamics of the state variables in a domain of interest. In this work, we compare the performance of a hydrodynamic model using two different sets of tidal boundary conditions derived from harmonic analyses in one case and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in another.

The hydrodynamic model used in this study is Tropical Marine Hydrodynamics (TMH) of TMSI. The study domain includes the entire Singapore Strait and has six open boundaries. Since no consistent current velocity measurements are available at the moment, only tidal elevations are prescribed at the boundaries. In one approach, tidal boundary conditions are predicted by applying harmonic analysis on a set of known harmonic constituents. These harmonic constituents are extracted from JTS, ATT tide tables (UK), or TotalTide (UK). This technique requires information from only tidal stations nearest the open boundaries. On the hand, the ANN can make full use of all available stations nearby the open boundaries. The database is divided into 2 parts, one is for training and other is for validation. Upon achieving satisfactory performance, the trained ANN is then used to generate tide elevation data at specific boundary grid points.

TMH is then run for the two cases of boundary conditions, and the results are compared between each others, and both against measurements. The results from ANN methods are capable to improve accuracy of tidal hydrodynamic predictions.

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Air pollution dispersion modeling in Singapore
Martin Skote, Institute of High Performance Computing

In Singapore, the National Environment Agency (NEA) has generated an efficient air quality monitoring network for real time studies. However, the numerical model for prediction/analysis has previously been limited to a steady state Gaussian model, which mainly has been used for air pollution impact evaluation based on local historic wind and emission data. Recently, a simulation package has been implemented to analyze the detailed three dimensional spatial pollutant distributions and time variance over the country. In this new model, the chemistry transport equations are solved by CMAQ, a code developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These simulations require input of weather and emission data, which are produced by separate simulation codes (MM5 and SMOKE respectively).

MM5 provides weather data based on large scale observations (taken from a global data base) and fine scale boundary conditions (terrestrial data). Typically five nested simulations are performed with MM5 at 81, 27, 9, 3, 1 km resolutions respectively.

The first level covers the Southeast Asia region while the fifth and last level with the finest resolution covers Singapore. The emission inventory consists mainly of power plants and oil refineries, and is converted to source terms using SMOKE. The dispersion simulations are then performed with a time step of one hour, and with the finest resolution of one kilometer retained. The physical modeling, especially the parameterization of the planetary boundary layer, will be discussed. Furthermore, brief overview of the cloud dynamics, the land surface modeling, and atmospheric chemistry will be covered. The particular problems related to the tropical atmosphere and its pollutants will be discussed. Results from the most interesting simulation for the south-west monsoon period will also be presented during the workshop. In particular the SO2 simulation results, which are compared in detail with data from the monitoring station network, will be discussed.
Hopefully both the audience and the speaker will learn something from this interactive workshop talk.

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Secret of Tropical Cyclone
Huashu Dou, Temasek Laboratories, NUS

Tropical cyclone is one of the most significant disasters to mankind. For example, Hurricane Katrina in the autumn of 2005 killed more than 1200 persons and lead to damage of $81.2 billion (2005 USD) in New Orleans area and over southern America, and Typhoon Saomai in August of 2006 resulted in at least 441 deaths, mostly in China, and $1.5 billion (2006 USD) in damage. It is very important to study the principle and the behaviour of tropical cyclone since this would help us to avoid losses and to get control of the nature. However, our understanding of tropical cyclone is still poor and the secret of tropical cyclone has not been clarified so far. Now, it is well known that tropical cyclone (tornado like) is a vortex which can be expressed by the combined Rankine vortex. In this vortex, the velocity distribution is represented by a free vortex and a sink except in the core area which can be represented by a linear vortex with updraft. Recently, we developed a theory (named as energy gradient theory) which is well valid for flow instability and turbulent transitions. This theory obtains very good agreement with experiments for various flows (pipe Poiseuille flow, plane Poiseuille flow, plane Couette flow, and Taylor-Couette flow). According to this theory, potential flow is of a uniform energy field and is always stable, no matter how large the disturbance amplitude. Rankine vortex is one kind of potential flow (except the core area), in which the energy is uniform in the flow field. Any disturbance could not be amplified in a constant energy filed so that the Rankine vortex is always stable and is able to last very long time. This is the secret of tropical cyclone. In comparison, trailing vortices generated behind electric poles, bridges, and buildings are so unstable that they could break very quickly after they are formed. This is because that the energy in these vortices is very non-uniform. In this study, we will describe the principle of the vortex stability, and give out formulations, and then apply the theory to the stability to vortices. Final, we demonstrate why the tropical cyclone is so stable and when the tropical cyclone becomes unstable.

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Numerical modeling of coastal processes with SLON model
Oleksandr Nesterov, Tropical Marine Science Institute, NUS

This presentation will cover topics related to coastal hydrodynamics problems. It can be interesting for modelers dealing with parallel computations as well. Simulation of hydrodynamics, water quality and sediment transport in coastal areas is one of the most important and challenging task of environmental hydrodynamics. In contrast to models dealing with open seas, coastal models often include large number of state variables, which are dependant on each other and therefore should be computed simultaneously. Also coastal models often require high horizontal and vertical resolutions to simulate large amount of small eddies arising due to coastal line or rapid changes in bottom topography. Rivers, artificial outlets or water intakes also require high horizontal resolution. The same time, fine vertical resolution is often necessary in order to simulate stratification and relevant problems arising due to this phenomenon.

Numerical model SLON (Sigma Layers Offing Numerics) has been developed in TMSI as further version of the model Threetox (IMMSP, Kiev, Ukraine) to fulfill such requirements. At the present, SLON is applied to various problems relating to hydrodynamics, water quality and sediment transport simulations in Singapore Straits. Optionally, the model can employ double sigma vertical coordinate system, which appears very useful for simulations of baroclinic motions, especially in estuaries, coastal areas and lakes with artificial ship channels.

SLON uses comparatively simple method, which is easy in programming implementation, of splitting the entire computational domain into several sub-domains to allow parallelization of computations. Implicit scheme for surface elevation calculations involves finding of the solution of the system of linear equations with large sparse matrix, also computed in parallel by means of the model. Dynamic data exchange (using MPI) at each integration time step and iteration ensures the same solution as in the case of serial computation. It is shown that such method is quite efficient for computations using small network consisting of several high-end PCs. Such network is usually affordable for small companies and labs in contrast to dedicated large clusters consisting of hundreds of CPUs.

Presently 2-D version of the model uses grid 2700 x 1500 numerical cells to cover entire Singapore Strait with resolution 50m. Modeling shows generation and existence of many eddies, which could not be modeled at coarser resolutions. 3-D model is used for hydrodynamics and sediment transport modeling in Singapore waters covering smaller domains. Examples of applications will be shown and discussed.

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Forced and spontaneously generated tropical precipitation patterns in an aqua-planet
Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi, Hokkaido University

Aqua-planet GCM experiments have been performed for the purpose of investigating precipitation and circulation features in the tropics. The motivation was originally to search and/or reveal possible fundamental dynamical structures which might be embedded in the real tropics by performing numerical experiments with some idealistic setups reducing the complexity of real situations (e.g. boundary conditions, physical processes, and so on). However, it has been recognized that the appearances of tropical precipitation patterns depend rather severely on particular model implementations. Searching for the possible varieties of appearance in the models and understanding how and why they appear now become an aim of investigation. APE (, the international aqua-planet comparison project, is an example of such an activity.

Here, a variety of tropical precipitation patterns which have been obtained in the aqua-planet GCM experiments so far performed in our group are presented. There are basically two types of experiments.
One is on the line of Hayashi and Sumi 1984, that is, to consider spontaneous appearance of tangent and coherent precipitation features on a SST distribution which is zonally uniform and symmetric around the equator. The other is on the line of Hosaka et al. 1998, that is, to consider a remote response of precipitation and circulation patterns caused by a warm SST anomaly placed on a simple SST distribution like that of the former type. The appearance or disappearance of coherently eastward moving precipitation areas are considered from the old concept of wave-CISK, with some additional results by two-dimensional cumulus ensemble model of Nakajima. Remote response to the existence of a warm SST area is considered from the moisture convergence in the planetary boundary layer. The behaviors of precipitation patterns, however, have not been very well understood yet.


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The study of the effect of cloud inhomogeneity in AGCM
Feng Zhang, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academic of Sciences

By using the mesoscale cloud inhomogeneity data obtained from ISCCP, the effects of cloud inhomogeneity in IAP AGCM have been investigated. Numerical simulations have shown that cloud inhomogeneity has obvious influence on the simulated climates, such as precipitation, ground surface air temperature, and sea level pressure. The effect of optical depth of inhomogeneous clouds on solar radiation fields is shown to be opposite to those of the single-scattering albedo and asymmetry factor of inhomogeneous clouds, which has led to a small overall direct influence on radiation field. In AGCM, cloud inhomogeneity is mainly through the cloud water field to indirect influence the radiation field. Our research has clearly shown the importance of cloud-radiation interaction, and the importance of cloud parameterization for the improvement of the performance of global climate models.

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The developments and applications of LASG/IAP climate system ocean model (LICOM)
Hailong Liu, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academic of Sciences

The LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model (LICOM), which is the ocean component of the LASG climate system, has been continuously developed during the past twenty five years. The primary features of the model include a free surface, an energy conserving numerical differential scheme, and the h-coordinate in the vertical. The developments of LASG/IAP climate ocean model are motivated for climate variability and climate change studies as well as large-scale ocean circulation simulations. The main developments and applications of LICOM during the past five years are presented here.

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Sensitivity of tropical depression due to surface forcing in the gulf of Thailand during 22-24 October 2003
Kamol Promasakha, Thai Meteorology Department

Observations within the planetary boundary layer in the inner-core region of storm are rarity. They are available only from isolated radiosonde or buoy. This lack of data forces modelers to use boundary layer parameterizations that have largely been developed for lower wind speed conditions. Assumptions about boundary process are particularly important to models attempting to simulate the convective scale to mesoscale processes responsible for the evolution and maintenance of storm. This research is to study the sensitivity of tropical depression due to surface forcing in the Gulf of Thailand with planetary boundary layer parameterization during 22-24 October 2003. This research performed experiment with four the planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes: Blackadar, ETA, the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) and the Burk-Thomson schemes. The experiments were conducted by using of the Pennsylvania State University and National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mecroscale and Microscale Model system (MM5) version 3.7.0 to investigate the sensitivity of tropical depression due to surface forcing. The model runs with two domains as grid resolution 15-km and 5-km in which 31 levels in vertical. This experiment consists of two parts. Results showed part one is to study the suitable four the planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes. Results showed that MRF model scheme produced the stronger storm which Blackadar scheme produced the weaker storm. Reason, in different two schemes, PBL dept in MRF scheme determined from shear and temperature profile, and PBL data of MRF model scheme is nonlocal mixing while PBL dept of Blackadar scheme determined from only temperature profile. However, as compared all products with observation. ETA scheme was better product than others. Reason, in this scheme used kinetic energy calculation and data is the local mixing. Results showed part two is to select ETA scheme to study a simulation of fictitious parameters (soil temperature and soil moisture) by investigating the effects of surface forcing on tropical depression development. Results showed that increasing soil temperature and soil moisture effected to the surface forcing (surface flux, moisture flux and momentum flux) is increasing. Surface forcing related to wind speed at nearly inner-core of storm, and the wind speed related to the upward mass flux. Therefore, surface forcing changed to increase then the wind speed and to the upward mass flux are increased then tropical storm is strong development. In the other word, the storm development changing is due to surface forcing.

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Development and implementation of the lagrangean scalar transport model for environmental problems in Singapore strait
Pavlo Zemskyy, Tropical Marine Science Institute, NUS

The talk reviews theoretical principles of scalar transport modeling using the Lagrangean approach. Random walk technique is utilized to account for turbulent diffusion in the water column, and a quantitative consistency between Eulerian and Lagrangean methods is demonstrated.
Several case studies are considered, involving contaminants, sediments and larvae population dynamics.

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Three dimensional temperature modeling for the South China Sea using remote sensing techniques
Daniel Twigt, WL | Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands

The South China Sea’s (SCS) seasonal, large-scale temperature cycle is governed to a large extend by the monsoon. This phenomenon modulates the large-scale circulation, transport and mixing as well as the exchange processes with the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea. Also, significant variations in net surface heat flux will contribute to the large-scale, seasonal temperature cycle. As a result, a seasonal mixed layer temperature cycle of over 6oC occurs in the northern SCS regions and between 2oC and 4oC in the southern regions. Over the central SCS temperature stratification is observed throughout the year, while over the shallow northern and southern regions atmospheric forcing and large-scale transport will attribute to a seasonal breakdown of the stratified system.

The objective of this study is to assess the large-scale three-dimensional temperature cycle of the SCS and to develop a corresponding hydrodynamic model that is resolving the monsoonal response. Due to the significant spatial and temporal scales, sea level anomalies observed by satellite altimetry and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) observed by satellite radiometer play an essential role in this study, both to assess the SCS physical system and for modelling applications. The model is setup using the Delft3D-FLOW hydrodynamic modelling package and applies an orthogonal spherical-curvilinear and boundary fitted grid in the horizontal. In the vertical a sigma-layer approach is applied. In the deep SCS regions the model depth is truncated based on a reduced depth approach (Gerritsen et al, 2001). For surface heating the so-called Ocean heat flux model of Delft3D-FLOW is used. At the open model boundaries water level and lateral transport forcing is applied. The model does not resolve tidal forcing. An extensive sensitivity analysis is performed, with model forcing and validation data both for a climatological year and for the year 2000. The models temperature accuracy is subsequently improved by assimilating remotely sensed SST data using a nudging method. On seasonal scales, the model represents the large-scale transport, surface heating and stratification with reasonable accuracy. Without SST nudging a mean difference of 1.75oC is observed with respect to validation data. By nudging SST the mean difference decreases with 15% to 1.5oC.

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Review of the squall line convection theory
Tieh-Yong Koh, Nanyang Technological University

Drawing mainly upon 3 papers (Rotunno, Klemp and Weisman, 1988; Weisman and Rotunno 2004; Bryan, Knievel and Parker 2006), we review the RKW theory for squall line convection. The essential idea is that the negative buoyancy of the cold pool in a squall line is balanced by low-level wind shear, leading to an optimal structure where updrafts are vertical squall intensity is maximized. The controversy surrounding these claims of the theory are examined in the light of recent multi-model comparison in the literature.

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How to "compress" convective tropical atmosphere
Jun-Ichi Yano, Meteo France

The climate system is extremely complex. Simple analytical theories often do not offer more than
physical insights. More than often their relevance in a realistic system is hard to decide. In this
talk, I propose "compression" as an alternative approach than to traditional “simplification”
approaches for disentangling the complexity of the climate system by taking the tropical convective
atmosphere as an example. The notion of the "compression" is taken from the multi-resolutional
analysis in mathematics with the wavelet as their principal tool. The image compression is the most
intuitive example that we see in using the computers: images can be compressed in the wavelet space
by dismissing the small expansion coefficients. As a result, the image data size can substantially
be reduced without essentially scarifying the image quality.

The same principle can be applied to a set of partial differential equations (e.g., primitive
system) describing the climate system. From a diagnostic point of view, essential physical processes
working in a GCM simulation can be extracted by this compression approach. I take a GCM-simulated
MJO as a example to explain how this approach works with use of a discrete orthogonal wavelet set.
This approach can furthermore be employed in the prognostic sense: the model equation system itself
can be "compressed", and the system can be time-integrated in this "compressed" space.
The parameterization problem can be solved in a much more logical manner under this principle: in
essence, a compression of the original full system provides a parameterization. A compression of a
cloud-resolving model by a finite element approach (segmentally-constant approximation) will be
presented as such an example.

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Seasonal climate predictability over tropical areas
Zhaohui Lin, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Climate predictions become more and more important in the planning of economical development and protection of the people from disasters, so many international research instituitons and projects have been deeply involved in the exploitation of predictability and the making of predictions of seasonal-to-interannual climate variation.
In this talk, the dynamical seasonal prediction system developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP-DCP) will firstly be descried. Then the hindcast experiments for the period 1980-2000 by using IAP DCP will be introduced, and the seasonal predictability of Asian monsoon system will be investigated by using the hindcast results. The variance analysis method proposed by Rowell (1998) will be adopted for the study of potential predictability of atmospheric general circulation, where the ratio of external variance to internal variance (Re) has been calculated from the ensemble hindcast experiment, with high value of Re for higher predictability. Then the potential seasonal predictability of 500hpa geopotential height, surface air temperature and rainfall over tropical region has been evaluated, together with the seasonal predictability of East Asian winter monsoon.
Meanwhile, the hindcast results from the DEMETER project and APCC project have also been adopted for the study of the predictive skills for different climate variables, especially over tropical regions.

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Temporal intermittency of passive-scalar decay
Jacques Vanneste, University of Edingburgh, UK

In smooth random flows, the concentration of passive scalars decays exponentially in the long time limit. The corresponding decay rate is deterministic and can be interpreted as a Lyapunov exponent for the advection-diffusion operator; it provides what is arguably the most basic characterisation of the decay. However, theoretical studies of passive scalar decay typically give predictions not for this Lyapunov exponent but instead for the decay rate of ensemble-averaged quantities. Temporal intermittency, when it is significant, makes the relationship between the two types of decay rates highly non-trivial, so that it becomes difficult to infer the Lyapunov exponent from the decay rates of ensemble-averaged quantities. We illustrate this point using the simple example of random (unidirectional) sinusoidal flows. The case of random phases provides an extreme example of intermittency: the Lyapunov exponent and ensemble-averaged decay rates scale with the diffusivity in a different manner because the ensemble-averaged decay is controlled by rare, highly atypical realisations of the flow.

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Quantifying transport and mixing in idealised flows and in the atmosphere
Peter Haynes, University of Cambridge, UK

Transport and mixing of atmospheric chemical species is a vital part of the chemical-climate system. Transport and mixing processes in the atmosphere operate on scales from millimeters to thousands of kilometers. In certain parts of the atmosphere the large-scale `layerwise two-dimensional' flow appears to play the dominant role in transport and in the stirring process that leads ultimately to true (molecular) mixing at very small scales. There is therefore much in common with the fluid dynamics of `chaotic advection' or `Batchelor-regime turbulence'. My talk will describe some of the theoretical tools have been developed in trying to understand transport and mixing in idealised chaotic-advection flows. I will also discuss the extent to which these theoretical tools can be used in conjunction with observational data on large-scale velocity fields to quantify different aspects of transport and mixing in the atmosphere.


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Local diagnostic of mixing and the distribution of dynamical barriers
Bernard Legras, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France

Based on the assumption of a zonal structure for the large scale flow, mixing barrier properties at the tropopause and in the lower stratosphere are often elucidated by diagnostics based on zonal means. The lack of event resolution along the longitude hinders such diagnostics in detecting local mixing events like barrier breaks. For
such events, their spatial localization is nevertheless the most important feature affecting tracer distribution. Here we propose the derivation of a local diagnostic for mixing. The diagnostic combines forward Lyapunov calculation (describing the stretching experienced by a tracer in the future) with backward Lyapunov calculation (containing the information on the tracer local gradient orientation due to the previous advection). The diagnostic is shown to be
linearly correlated with the effective diffusivity in zonal means, so that it can be expressed in diffusion units. The application of this new diagnostic shows the modulation of the subtropical barrier in connection with ENSO and NAO, focusing on barrier breaks, and maps the threee dimensional structure of mixing in the lower stratosphere.


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Wave modelling and data assimilation scheme for wave forecasting
S. A. Sannasiraj Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

The importance of wave prediction has been greatly felt during world war period and subsequently, lot of efforts was made for the development of the wave predictive models. Currently, third-generation wave models are in practice for wind-wave modeling. WAM, a third generation wave model has been successfully implemented at various regional seas worldwide. In our application, we have setup WAM in the South China Sea and Indian seas. The model was implemented to supplement the circulation and transport modeling efforts, especially in predicting and assessing the structure of physical parameters in the water column.

To enhance the wave predictive capability of the wave model, WAM, a data assimilation module along with a forecasting model is built over the WAM. Majority of the popular data assimilation techniques in use today would provide an improved estimate of the system state up to the current time level based on measurements. From a forecasting viewpoint, this corresponds to an updating of the initial conditions of a numerical model. The standard forecasting procedure is then to run the model into the future, driven by predicted boundary and forcing conditions. The problem with this methodology is that the updated initial conditions quickly disappear. Thus, after a certain forecast horizon the model predictions are no better than from an initially uncorrected model. Our study considers a novel approach to wave data assimilation and demonstrates that through the measurement forecast (made using so-called local models), entire model domain can be corrected over extended forecast horizons (i.e. long after updated initial conditions have become disappeared), thus offering significant improvements over the conventional methodology.


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Thoughts on the chaotic advection vs turbulent mixing in the context of tropical convection
Tieh-Yong Koh, Nanyang Technological University

I shall attempt to discuss our concepts of passive tracer transport in tropical convection along two lines of thought: (1) chaotic advection by a regular flow, as detailed by Julio Ottino, Stephen Wiggins, George Haller and Tamas Tel; (2) mixing by a turbulent process, such as in classical notions of turbulent plumes and non-precipitating cumuli. Some (limited) observations on mixing properties obtained from the literature will be presented. A synthesis is sought to accommodate both views and hopefully (or ambitiously) a direction can be found to crystallize numerical experiments that will dilineate both regimes in tropical convection.

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Haze episode in Singapore - Oct 2006
Chui Wah Yap, The National Environment Agency, Singapore

Smoke haze episodes have been a recurrent environmental phenomenon in the Southeast Asian region for many years. The most recent haze episode occurred in 2006, during which weak El Nino conditions aggravated the haze situation. This haze episode lasted longer and affected a much larger area than the one that occurred in August 2005. Moderate resolution data from polar orbiting satellites has become critical to operational haze monitoring efforts. The wide coverage of the satellite images was able to augment sparse ground observations in this region.


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Turbulence closure problem for stably stratified flows
Sergej Zilitinkevich, University of Helsinki, Finland

We propose a new turbulence closure model based on the budget equations for the basic second moments: turbulent kinetic and potential energies: TKE and TPE, which comprise the turbulent total energy: TTE = TKE + TPE; and vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy (potential temperature). Besides the new concept of the TTE, other key points are: non-gradient correction to the traditional formulation for the flux of buoyancy (potential temperature), and advanced analysis of the stability dependence of anisotropy of turbulence. The proposed model affords the existence of turbulence at any gradient Richardson number, Ri. Instead of the critical value of Ri separating the turbulent and the laminar regimes, the model includes its threshold value, between 0.2 and 0.3, which separates two turbulent regimes of essentially different nature: fully developed, chaotic turbulence at low Ri and weak, strongly anisotropic turbulence at large Ri. Predictions from the proposed model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and lab experiments, DNS and LES.


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The influence of large, semi-organised eddies on the convective heat / mass transfer: revision of the classical theory and environmental modelling applications
Sergej Zilitinkevich, University of Helsinki, Finland

Close to the surface large coherent eddies consisted of plumes and downdraughts cause convergence winds blowing towards the plume axes, which in turn cause wind shears and generation of turbulence. This mechanism strongly enhances the convective heat/mass transfer at the surface and, in contrast to the classical formulation, implies an important role of the surface roughness. In this context we introduce the stability dependence of the roughness length. The latter is important over very rough surfaces, when the height of the roughness elements becomes comparable with the large-eddy Monin-Obukhov length. A consistent theoretical model covering convective regimes over all types of natural surfaces from the smooth still sea to the very rough city of Athens is developed and comprehensively validated against data from measurements at different sites and also through large-eddy simulation (LES) of the convective boundary layer (CBL). Good correspondence between model results, field observations and LES is achieved over a wide range of the surface roughness lengths and CBL heights. The proposed theory opens new opportunities to improved parameterization of the convective heat/mass transfer in environmental models.


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High resolution atmosphere – ocean – water ecosystem modelling for coastal zones
Sergej Zilitinkevich, University of Helsinki, Finland

Coupled atmosphere-ocean-ecosystem modelling is a superior way of formalizing and testing our knowledge about coastal marine environment and solving the problem of how the rational management of aquatic resources should be organized. The quality of forecasting is determined by the adequate description of physical and ecological processes, adequate spatial resolution and high accuracy of numerical schemes. Simpler models can be used for educational purposes or at the preliminary estimation stage, whereas reliable water resources management requires the most realistic and complete three-dimensional modelling. This lecture presents the coupled model system developed at EMI and VitaMare in cooperation with numerous groups in Europe. The air pollution transport model HILATAR linked with the operational weather forecasting model HIRLAM are coupled on-line and off-line with the marine system model FRESCO to compose a user-friendly, operational forecasting system suitable for end-users. The coupled atmospheric-sea-ecosystem model suite FRESCO integrates the following sub-models.


  • weather forecasting model HIRLAM
  • meso-scale non-hydrostatic model
  • air pollution model HILATAR
  • atmosphere-ocean interaction model


  • meso-scale non-hydrostatic marine circulation model
  • two-equation (k-w) turbulence model
  • wind wave narrow directional approximation model
  • marine ecosystem model
  • suspended material transformation model
  • oil-slick model

Author Rein Tamsalu


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