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Summer School in Logic












Summer School in Logic
(3 - 28 Jul 2006) 

... Jointly organized with Department of Mathematics

 Organizing Committee

  • Chi Tat Chong (National University of Singapore)
  • Qi Feng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and National University of Singapore)
  • Yue Yang (National University of Singapore)

 Invited Speakers


Graduate level courses in logic to be given by Prof Ted Slaman in recursion theory and by Prof Woodin in set theory. Each for four to five hours a week. Prerequisites are basic knowledge in set theory and logic preferably with a year' s graduate course in one of them. There will also be a weekly research seminar on latest developments in logic plus a weekly seminar where student participants will give talks on their research or on a paper they have recently read. In between participants are encouraged to be actively involved in mathematical discussions with others.

 Confirmed Visitors

As at 23 Jun 2006...



3 - 28 Jul 2006
Venue(9:30am-11.30am):  IMS Auditorium (3 - 11 Jul 2006, 17 - 28 Jul 2006)
Venue(9:30am-11.30am):  IMS Seminar Room, House 3 #01-03 (12 - 14 Jul 2006)
Venue(04:00pm-05.00pm):  Mathematics Studio, S14 #03-01, Department of Mathematics
Venue(21 Jul 2006):  Mathematics Studio, S14 #03-01, Department of Mathematics
