Tutorials and Workshop registration form
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Membership application form
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      Scientific aspects





(3 May - 26 Jun 2004)

Organizers · Confirmed Visitors · Overview · Activities · Membership Application



  • Xingwang Xu (National University of Singapore)
  • Paul Yang (Princeton University)


  • Weiyue Ding (Beijing University)
  • C. S. Lin (Chung Cheng University)
  • Man Chun Leung (National University of Singapore)
  • Peter Pang (National University of Singapore)
  • Gang Tian (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Neil S. Trudinger (Australian National University)

 Confirmed Visitors


Combining geometric insights and analytic techniques together has generated many fruitful ideas and surprising results. The advances of the analytical results on nonlinear partial differential equation have helped to accelerate research on differential geometry for the last forty years. On the other hand, geometry has provided subtle and elegant equations for investigation. Major milestones in geometry include the resolutions of the Calabi conjecture, the positive mass conjecture and the Yamabe conjecture, the application of Ricci flow initiated by Richard Hamilton, the Monge-Ampere equations, and more recently the study of the fourth order Paneitz operators as well as the fully nonlinear equations related to the sigma curvature.

The purpose of this program is to initiate and conduct investigations into nonlinear partial differential equations arising from geometric questions, especially those related to the scalar curvature problem, Q-curvature problem and Sigma curvature problem. We also expect that, through this program, we will further strengthen the ties between local, regional and global scientists in this field.

The program will focus on the following topics:

  1. Scalar curvature problem
  2. Specially prescribed scalar curvature problem on n-sphere
  3. Conformally invariant operators
  4. Geometric flow problem
  5. Fully nonlinear partial differential equations


There will be two one-hour tutorial lectures in each week and a workshop, in addition to seminars and informal discussions.

  1. Seminars and Tutorials
  2. Workshop: 28 May - 3 Jun 2004

IMS Membership is not required for participation in above activities. For attendance at these activities, please complete the registration form (MSWord|PDF|PS) and fax it to us at (65) 6873 8292 or email it to us at ims@nus.edu.sg.

If you are an IMS member or are applying for IMS membership, you do not need to register for these activities.

 Membership Application

The Institute for Mathematical Sciences invites applications for membership for participation in the above program. Limited funds to cover travel and living expenses are available to young scientists. Applications should be received at least three (3) months before the commencement of membership. Application form is available in (MSWord|PDF|PS) format for download.

More information is available by writing to:
Institute for Mathematical Sciences
National University of Singapore
3 Prince George's Park Singapore 118402
Republic of Singapore
or email to imssec@nus.edu.sg.

For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Xingwang Xu at matxuxw@nus.edu.sg.

Organizers · Confirmed Visitors · Overview · Activities · Membership Application