Random Graphs and Large-Scale Real-World Networks

(1 May - 30 Jun 2006)

~ Abstracts ~

Boundary connections in trees and Dimers
David Wilson, Microsoft Research

We study groves on planar graphs, which are forests in which every tree contains one or more of a special set of vertices on the outer face. Each grove partitions the set of special vertices. When a random grove is selected, we show how to compute the various partition probabilities as functions of the electrical properties of the graph when viewed as a resistor network. We prove that for any partition sigma, Pr[grove has type sigma] / Pr[grove is a tree] is a dyadic-coefficient polynomial in the pairwise resistances between the special vertices, and Pr[grove has type sigma] / Pr[grove has maximal number of trees] is an integer-coefficient polynomial in the entries of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann matrix. We give analogous polynomial formulas for the double-dimer model. These partition probabilities are relevant to multichordal SLE_8, SLE_2, and SLE_4.

Joint work with Richard Kenyon.

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Threshold growth cellular automata: bootstrap percolation
Jozsef Balogh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Cellular automata were introduced by von Neumann after a suggestion of Ulam. A very popular cellular automaton is Conway's `Game of Life'. Bootstrap percolation, a deterministic threshold growth model of cellular automata with random initial condition, was introduced by statistical physicists in the early 1980s.

The underlying graph of bootstrap percolation could be any graph, in the literatute infinite trees, grids, the $n$-dimensional hypercube and random regular graphs were considered.

In this talk I shall briefly survey the history of bootstrap percolation, and then present some recent results from a number of papers written jointly with B. Bollobas, Y. Peres, G. Pete and B. Pittel.

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Long cycles in random graphs
Nick Wormald, University of Waterloo

When a random graph on n vertices has enough edges, i.e.
about (1/2) n log n, it almost surely has a cycle containing all of its vertices, and the circumference (length of longest cycle) is n.
What happens in the sparser case? When the graph has much less than
n/2 edges, and the average degree is less than 1, there are few cycles and the answer is well understood. I will discuss old results on circumference as well as a new lower bound applying to intermediate range. Here the average degree of a vertex is at least 1 but can be regarded as bounded. (Joint work with Jeong Han Kim.)

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Cheeger constant, capacity and computation in wireless networks
Devavrat Shah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Recent technological progress has made it feasible to design in-expensive sensors that can communicate over wireless channel as well as perform computation.
Network of such sensors has become instrumental in enabling many new applications.
In this tutorial, we will provide the fundamental performance limits of such networks in terms of communication capacity, network delay and the computation time-complexity of distributed algorithms operating within them.

We will identify the well-known Cheeger Constant or Conductance of appropriately defined wireless graph matrix as a key property that determines the capacity, delay and computation time of distributed algorithms. We will describe the precise results in arbitrary setup. We will present random graph models for static and mobile wireless networks. Then, we will evaluate the Cheeger Constant for these models to obtain the capacity, delay and computation time of algorithms for wireless networks.  

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On the asymptotic behaviour of random recursive trees in random environment
Konstantin Borovkov, The University of Melbourne

We consider growing random recursive trees in random environment, in which at each step a new vertex is attached (by an edge of a random length) to an existing tree vertex according to a probability distribution that assigns the tree vertices masses proportional to their random weights. The main goal is to study the asymptotic behaviour of the distance from the newly inserted vertex to the tree's root and that of the mean numbers of outgoing vertices as the number of steps tends to infinity. Most of the results are obtained under the assumption that the random weights have a product form with independent identically distributed factors.  

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Modeling and analysis of large ad hoc networks
Martin Haenggi, University of Notre Dame

Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks have many exciting applications and thus are a very active area of research.
In constrast to the well-understood case of point-to-point communication, the analysis of large wireless networks
presents many interesting challenges. Starting with the classical disk graph, we introduce increasingly refined models for such systems, and we present approaches to analyze their performance in terms of interference and

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Continuum models for large-scale sensor networks: routing and broadcasting
Sanjay Shakkottai, University of Texas

This tutorial will present an overview of routing and broadcasting over sensor networks. We develop continuum models for sensor networks -- models where node location discretization effects are ignored, and develop both routing and broadcasting algorithms for large-scale networks using these models. A key emphasis in this tutorial will be on the role of information -- geographic location knowledge, or memory at nodes (which corresponds to state information), and how this affects network delay, capacity and broadcast efficiency.  

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Critical percolation on random regular graphs
Assaf Noar, University of California

Let d>2 be a fixed integer, n an integer such that nd is even and p in (0,1). Let G(n,d,p) be a probability space on the set of graph with n vertices obtained by drawing uniformly at random a d-regular graph on n vertices and then independently retaining each edge with probability p and deleting it with probability 1-p.

Alon, Benjamini and Stacey proved that for p= c/(d-1) the model exhibits a phase transition as c grows: the cardinality of the largest component is of order log(n) for c<1 and of order n for c>1. We investigate the model in its critical value and show the existence of a scaling window and "mean-field" behavior.

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Small-world graphs
Oskar Sandberg, Chalmers University

The small-world phenomenon, that the world's social network is tightly connected, and that any two people can be linked by a short chain of friends, has long been a subject of interest. Famously, the psychologist Stanley Milgram performed an experiment where he asked people to deliver a letter to a stranger by forwarding it to an acquaintance, who could forward it to one his acquaintances, and so on until the destination was reached. The results seemed to confirm that the small-world phenomenon is real. Recently it has been shown by Jon Kleinberg that in order to search in a network, that is to actually find the short paths in the manner of the Milgram experiment, a very special type of a graph model is needed. We study the formation of networks of this type, attempting to see why the kind of connections necessary may arise naturally. A different criterion on the network which also makes the efficient searches possible is shown, and based on it an algorithmic model is proposed for how searching can become possible as a network evolves.

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Euclidean ramsey theory
Imre Leader, University of Cambridge

Euclidean Ramsey Theory is a natural multidimensional version of Ramsey Theory. A subset of Euclidean space is called Ramsey if, for any k, whenever we partition Euclidean space of sufficiently high dimension into k classes, one class must contain a congruent copy of our subset. It is still unknown which sets are Ramsey.

The aim of the talk is to present background, involving the known results, and then to put forward a new conjecture which is the first `challenge' to the accepted main conjecture in the area.

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Clustering via random ultrametrics
Assaf Noar, Microsoft Research

In this talk I will present a general method for clustering a large graph so that the clusters are small in various metric senses. There is a wide range of problems of this type which have been studied in the literature. It turns out that many of them can be reduced to the same problem on trees (and even ultrametrics), using a probabilistic technique which we call Maximum Gradient Embeddings. I will introduce this notion, explain the basic theorems about it, and show how it can be used to solve several clustering problems with monotone costs.

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Tie-strength and structure in a huge social network
J'anos Kert'esz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

We consider a network constructed from the data of mobile phone conversations as a proxy for a weighted societal network: Individuals are the nodes (vertices), mutual calls are the links (edges) and the accumulated call durations serve as the weights of the links representing the intensities of social ties. We observe a coupling between interaction strengths and the network's local structure in good agreement with Granovetter's hypothesis.
As a consequence we find that social networks are robust to the removal of the strong ties but fall apart in a percolation transition if the weak ties are removed. We show that this structure results in a dynamic trapping of information and give hints to increase efficiency of information spreading.

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Discrete versions of the newman, moore, watts small worlds model
Andrew Barbour, Universität Zürich

Newman, Moore and Watts proposed a model that is aimed at describing paths of communication in a system consisting of good local contacts and sporadic long range links. In this talk, we discuss the asymptotics of the distribution of interpoint distances in some discrete versions of their simplest continuous-state model. The arguments required in the fully discrete analogue are more complicated than in the continuous case, because the associated branching process, describing the local evolution of the long range contact structure at a typical point, is two-dimensional.
For some combinations of parameters, this is enough to cause the standard approximation argument to break down.
Joint work with Gesine Reinert, Oxford.

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Random planar graphs with fixed average degree
Stefanie Gerke, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH, Zürich

Let P(n,m) be the class of simple labelled planar graphs with n nodes and m edges, and let R(n,q) be a graph drawn uniformly at random from P(n,qn). We show properties that hold with high probability (w.h.p.) for R(n,q) when 1<q<3. For example, we show that R(n,q) contains w.h.p. linearly many nodes of each given degree and linearly many node disjoint copies of each given fixed connected planar graph. Additionally, we show that the probability that R(n,q) is connected is bounded away from one by a non-zero constant. As a tool we show that (|P(n,qn)|/n!)^{1/n} tends to a limit as n tends to infinity.

This is joint work with Colin McDiarmid, Angelika Steger and Andreas Weissl.

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Complex networks and markov processes – degree distributions
Liming Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Since Barabási, Albert and Jeong proposed the first scale-free network model (the BA model), the study of complex networks has become one of the newest inter-disciplinary scientific pursuits. Many new network models have been proposed attempting to identify the underlying mechanisms for various complex networks observed in physical, digital, and societal worlds. While simulation can usually be used to examine the properties of the network generated from any given mechanism, it is still desirable to provide analytical characterizations of network properties under a given mechanism. The common analytical approach however can only tackle a few simple network models. In this talk, we show that the degree dynamics of many complex networks is intimately related to Markov processes. By modeling the degree evolution of a node in a growing network by a non-homogeneous Markov process, we not only can provide the asymptotic network degree distribution numerically, but also can capture the complete network degree evolution process. We will provide a number of network model examples, including the BA mechanism with a logarithmic link adding function and a new evolving network model that generate a wide-range of networks with degree exponents > 1.


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New critical phenomena in complex random graphs
Serguei Dorogovtsev, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal and A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg

We consider critical phenomena in cooperative models defined on graphs where a diameter is a function growing slower than any power law of the number of vertices, e.g., logarithmic. These graphs are infinite-dimensional objects, and so critical phenomena on them should be described in the framework of a mean field approach. Nonetheless, these mean field theories turn out to be nontraditional, and they produce a set of new effects. We outline exact and asymptotically exact results obtained for the Ising and Potts models and for the percolation on equilibrium and non-equilibrium random graphs. We also touch upon new findings for cooperative models on
deterministic graphs with complex architectures.


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Convergent Sequence of Dense Graphs, Part I
Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft Research

We consider how to suitably define convergence for a sequence of dense graphs, with the number of vertices tending to infinity. To this end, we consider two ways of probing a large graph with small graphs: “from the left”, by counting the the number of times a small graph is contained in the large graph as a subgraph, and “from the right”, by counting the number of H-colorings of the large graph, i.e., the number of homomorphisms from the large graph into some small graph H. This leads to two notions of convergence: from the left, corresponding to the convergence of local properties like the frequency of triangles, and from the right, corresponding to more global properties like the number of colorings or the size of the max-cut. We show that these two notions are equivalent for sequences of dense graphs, and also show that a convergent sequence can also be characterized as a Cauchy sequence with respect to a suitable metric.

In the first talk, we discuss the equivalence of left-convergence and convergence in metric, and the relations to sampling and testing of large graphs. In the second talk, we discuss the equivalence of left-convergence and right-convergence, as well as relations to statistical physics and the convergence of factor graphs obtained from large graphs by “factoring out” Szemeredi partitions.

This is joint work with Laci Lovasz, Vera Sos and Kati Vesztergombi.


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Convergent Sequence of Dense Graphs, Part II
Christian Borgs, Microsoft Research

We consider how to suitably define convergence for a sequence of dense graphs, with the number of vertices tending to infinity. To this end, we consider two ways of probing a large graph with small graphs: “from the left”, by counting the the number of times a small graph is contained in the large graph as a subgraph, and “from the right”, by counting the number of H-colorings of the large graph, i.e., the number of homomorphisms from the large graph into some small graph H. This leads to two notions of convergence: from the left, corresponding to the convergence of local properties like the frequency of triangles, and from the right, corresponding to more global properties like the number of colorings or the size of the max-cut. We show that these two notions are equivalent for sequences of dense graphs, and also show that a convergent sequence can also be characterized as a Cauchy sequence with respect to a suitable metric.

In the first talk, we discuss the equivalence of left-convergence and convergence in metric, and the relations to sampling and testing of large graphs. In the second talk, we discuss the equivalence of left-convergence and right-convergence, as well as relations to statistical physics and the convergence of factor graphs obtained from large graphs by “factoring out” Szemeredi partitions.

This is joint work with Laci Lovasz, Vera Sos and Kati Vesztergombi.


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Inversion and stability in extremal and Ramsey graph theory
Vladimir Nikiforov, University of Memphis

I will present several recent results in extremal and Ramsey graph theory involving the general concepts of inversion and stability. These concepts were present already in the works of Erdős and Simonovits from 1966 and became a hot topic again in modern extremal graph theory.

These results are joint work with B. Bollobás, C.C. Rousseau, and R.H. Schelp.

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On the number of complete bipartite subgraphs of a graph
Jonathan Cutler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Entropy methods have recently been employed by Kahn to bound the number of independent sets in a regular bipartite graph. Galvin and Tetali noted that these methods extend to bounding the number of homomorphisms from a regular bipartite graph. Our research grows out of a conjecture of Galvin and Kahn, and examines the very special case of homomorphisms into a fully-looped path of length two. We, in fact, look at the problem in the complementary graph, where a homomorphism into this graph corresponds to a complete bipartite subgraph. Thus, our question becomes an extremal one: which graph on a given number of vertices and edges has the most complete bipartite subgraphs? We answer this and show that some interesting extremal behavior exists.

This is joint work with Jamie Radcliffe.

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The phase transition in random digraphs
Tomasz Luczak, Emory University

In the talk we survey some results on the phase transition in random digraphs which have been published for the last twenty five years. Then, we show that the critical behavour of a random digraph is precisely as one might expect.

This is a joint work with Taral Guldahl Seierstad.


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