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      Scientific aspects





Random Graphs and Large-Scale Real-World Networks

(1 May - 30 Jun 2006)

Organizing Committee ·  Confirmed Visitors · Overview · Activities · Membership Application

 Organizing Committee


  • Béla Bollobás (University of Memphis and University of Cambridge)


  • Khee-Meng Koh (National University of Singapore)
  • Oliver Riordan (University of Cambridge)
  • Chung-Piaw Teo (National University of Singapore)
  • Vikram Srinivasan (National University of Singapore)

 Confirmed Visitors

As at 9 May 2006...


In the past forty-odd years the theory of random graphs has developed into a vast subject cultivated mostly by combinatorialists, with well over a thousand papers and several books devoted to it. The theory of random graphs has had a great influence not only on combinatorics, but on probability theory as well, where numerous powerful new methods have been created in order to tackle random graph problems. In addition, random graphs serve as quintessential random mathematical structures: many theorems concerning random graphs have inspired results about mathematical objects endowed with considerably more structure.

About six years ago, a new subject appeared on the scene: the modelling and study of large-scale real-life networks. The scale-free nature of these large-scale networks became the focus of attention of many researchers, and many models were suggested for the construction of scale-free random graphs. Physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists and others became interested in properties of complex networks, especially the small-world phenomenon and power-law distributions. A huge variety of large-scale real-world networks are now the subjects of intense scrutiny: the World Wide Web, the Internet, various social networks, including scientific collaboration graphs and the graph of movie actors, power grids, various biological networks like food webs, the brain, contact networks underlying the spread of epidemics, cellular and genetic networks, neural networks and economic networks, to mention only a selection. There is no doubt that the study of large-scale complex networks is going from strength to strength and is rapidly maturing.

An attractive feature of the field is that genuine applications bring to light beautiful and difficult mathematical problems. Also, detailed work frequently results in the discovery of unexpected connections: a question may have been answered in one field years before it was posed in another.

The aim of the proposed program is to bring together people who have done much work on the rigorous mathematical theory of random graphs and experts (mostly physicists and computer scientists) on measuring real-world graphs, modeling them and studying them experimentally. The problems concerning complex networks vary greatly in importance and difficulty, so the program should not only enable young researchers to gain access to the methods and problems of a large and very active field, but the research community should also benefit from the collective wisdom of the participants as to the direction of future research.


IMS Membership is not required for participation in above activities. For attendance at these activities, please complete the registration form (MSWord|PDF|PS) and fax it to us at (65) 6873 8292 or email it to us at ims@nus.edu.sg.

If you are an IMS member or are applying for IMS membership, you do not need to register for these activities.

 Membership Application

The Institute for Mathematical Sciences invites applications for membership for participation in the above program. Limited funds to cover travel and living expenses are available to young scientists. Applications should be received at least three (3) months before the commencement of membership. Application form is available in (MSWord|PDF|PS) format for download.

More information is available by writing to:
Institute for Mathematical Sciences
National University of Singapore
3 Prince George's Park
Singapore 118402
Republic of Singapore
or email to imssec@nus.edu.sg.

For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Béla Bollobás at bollobas@msci.memphis.edu.

Organizing Committee ·  Confirmed Visitors · Overview · Activities · Membership Application