Workshop on Computational Finance
(29 - 30 Aug 2005)
Towards the Technical Analysis:
Prediction, Estimation of the Changes in Stock Prices, and Price
Range Charts
Albert N. Shiryaev and Tatiana B. Tolozova, Steklov
Mathematical Institute, Moscow
Albert Nikolaevich Shiryaev obtained his Ph.D in 1961 under
the guidance of the legendary Russian mathematician A. N.
Kolmogorov and his Doctor of Science in 1967. He is a member of
the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, a professor in the Moscow State University, and has
supervised 52 Ph.D dissertations. He has published over 10
research monographs/textbooks and more than 160 scientific
papers in various fields, such as probability theory,
mathematical and applied statistics, optimal stochastic control,
financial mathematics and history of mathematics. He is a
co-editor of the Springer journal “Finance and Stochastics” and
has been on the editorial board of many journals. He was
President of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics
and Probability in 1989-91, and President of the Bachelier
Finance Society in 1998-99. His awards include Markov Prize in
1974 and Kolmogorov Prize in 1994. He has been an elected member
of the Academia Europea since 1990 and a correspondent member of
the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1997.
Abstract - The main aim of the "technical analysis" in the financial
engineering is to create some recommendations, some rules for
selection of time for buying or selling. Since a long time ago
(for example in Japan in XIX century) many different rules,
sometimes very sophisticated, were invented and still now are in
use on financial markets. Practically, all of these methods have
a descriptive character, and a problem of finding explanation of
interest in them and a problem of their "mathematization" are
very actual. We select for a "mathematization" two well-known
Japanese methods, namely the Kagi and Renko charts which give a
method of trading based on the analysis of price changes which
exceed a certain range H. Very transparent results of our
approach will be demonstrated for the case when prices are
controlled by a Brownian motion. Also we present our result for
problems of prediction and estimation of times of changing
(change points) of the trend direction in the stock prices.
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Pricing Mortgage Backed Securities:
Continuous Time Stanton's Model
Min Dai, National University of Singapore
The prepayment behavior of mortgage loans plays a critical
role in the pricing of mortgage backed securities (MBSs).
Stanton (1995) proposed a rational prepayment model where
mortgage holders decide whether to prepay their mortgage at
random discrete intervals. However, his model essentially is an
algorithm or a discrete time model, rather than a continuous
time model. In this talk, we present a continuous version of
Stanton's model, which is described by a nonlinear partial
differential equation. The continuous time model allows us to
devise more efficient algorithms. Numerical results are given as
well. This is joint work with Yue-Kuen Kwok and Hong You.
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Reclaiming Quasi-Monte Carlo
Efficiency in Portfolio Value-at-Risk Simulation
Xing Jin, National University of Singapore
Quasi-Monte Carlo method overcomes the problem of sample
clustering in regular Monte Carlo simulation and has been
shown to improve simulation efficiency in derivatives
pricing literature when price is expressed as a
multi-dimensional integration and integrand is suitably
smooth. For portfolio Value-at-Risk problems, the
distribution of portfolio value change is based on the
expectation of an indicator function, hence the integrand is
discontinuous. The purpose of this paper is to transform the
expectation estimation of an indicator function into that of
a smooth function via Fourier transform, so the faster
convergence rate of quasi-Monte Carlo method could be
reclaimed theoretically. Under fairly mild assumptions
simulation of portfolio Value-at-Risk is fast and accurate.
Numerical examples demonstrate the advantage of the proposed
approach over regular Monte Carlo and straightforward
quasi-Monte Carlo methods.
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Feynman Perturbation Expansion for
the Price of Coupon Bond Options and Swaptions in a Field
Theory of Forward Interest Rates
Belal E. Baaquie, National University of Singapore
European options on coupon bonds are studied in a field
theory model of forward interest rates. A approximation
scheme for finding the option price is developed based on
the fact that the volatility of the forward interest rate is
a small quantity. The field theory for the forward interest
rates is Gaussian, but when the payoff function for the
coupon bonds option is included it makes the field theory
nonlinear. Feynman perturbation expansion, using Feynman
diagrams, gives a convergent result for the price of coupon
bond option. The correlation of two coupon bond options is
approximately evaluated. Interest rate swaptions are shown
to be a special case of the coupon bond option, and some
special features of swaptions are discussed.
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Credit Risk Premia
Kian-Guan Lim, Singapore Management University
Dr Lim Kian-Guan is Professor of Finance at the Lee Kong
Chian School of Business of the Singapore Management
University. Prior to joining SMU, he was Professor of
Finance at the National University of Singapore. He was the
founding President of the Association of Financial
Engineering (Singapore), founding Director of the NUS Center
for Financial Engineering and the Master program in
Financial Engineering, and founding secretary of the
Asia-Pacific Finance Association that is now merged as the
Asian Finance Association. He has been on many journal
editorial boards and reviews for journals in finance,
mathematical finance, and economics. He has published over
50 refereed journal papers and many other articles. He has
also consulted for many banks and corporations. His current
research and writing interests are in Quantitative Finance,
Asset Pricing, Risk Management, and issues of Estimation and
Abstract - This paper investigates the nature of
the credit risk premium in transforming empirical or
objective probabilities of credit migration to their
equivalent martingale measures (EMMs). We provide a modified
version of the risk premium adjustment that allows a linear
partition of the credit spread into an empirical default
component, a recovery component, and the risk premium
component. The log-transform of the default risk premia can
be specified as linear regressions on a set of macroeconomic
variables testing sensitivities to short-term Treasury
rates, forward rates and market returns. This would enable
interpretations regarding how default premia would vary with
business cycles or with "flight to safety" episodes. By
using time-varying empirical default credit migration
models, the default premia departs from the trivial role as
a credit spread scaling and maps onto the Radon-Nikodym
derivative with respect to the EMMs. Various low-dimensional
characterizations of the transform used as in
Jarrow-Lando-Turnbull (1997), Kijima and Komoribayashi
(1998), Lando (1994, 1998), and Lando (2000) may be applied,
and which produces different EMMs in the credit migration
matrix. In such an incomplete market setting, where the
implied risk-neutral default probability is insufficient to
uncover the complete set of migration probabilities, the
different EMMs lead to model risks since the EMM credit
migration matrix is used for pricing and hedging in
migration dependent credit instruments. The regression
specifications would provide methods of assessing common
factors influencing the EMMs and thus the amount of model
risk that may be predictable.
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Hedging and Pricing Options with
Transaction Costs
Tiong-Wee Lim, National University of Singapore
In the presence of transaction costs, it is no longer
possible to perfectly replicate the payoff of a European
option by trading in the underlying stock. We present a new
option hedging strategy based on minimizing the expected
cumulative hedging error and additional cost of rebalancing
due to proportional transaction costs. The resulting
singular stochastic control problem can be related to an
optimal stopping problem, which we solve to show that an
optimal hedge consists of selling/buying the underlying
stock whenever the number of shares held falls above/below a
no-transaction band about the "delta". We also discuss a new
approach to pricing using market data on the stock and
options, and consider the optimal hedge in the presence of
transaction costs. This is joint work with T.L. Lai.
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Weak Interest Rate Parity and
Currency Portfolio Diversification
Yonggan Zhao, Nanyang Technological University
Dr. Yonggan Zhao is an Assistant Professor at Nanyang
Technological University. He received an M.Sc. in
mathematics from Western Kentucky University and a PhD. in
finance and management science from the University of
British Columbia. He is currently teaching portfolio
management, derivative securities, optimization in finance,
and theory of investment. His research interests are mainly
in the areas of intertemporal equilibrium theory, dynamic
portfolio management and option pricing with incomplete
Abstract - This paper presents a dynamic model of
optimal currency returns with a hidden Markov regime
switching process. We postulate a weak form of interest rate
parity that the hedged risk premiums on currency investments
are identical within each regime across all currencies. Both
the in-sample and the out-of-sample data during January 2002
- March 2005 strongly support this hypothesis. Observing
past asset returns, investors infer the prevailing regime of
the economy and determine the most likely future direction
to facilitate portfolio decisions. Using standard mean
variance analysis, we find that an optimal portfolio
resembles the Federal Exchange Rate Index which
characterizes the strength of the U.S. dollar against world
major currencies. The similarity provides a strong
implication that our three-regime switching model is
appropriate for modeling the hedged returns in excess of the
U.S. risk free interest rate. To investigate the impact of
the equity market performance on changes of exchange rates,
we include the S&P500 index return as an exogenous factor
for parameter estimation.
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Discrete Credit Barrier Models
Oliver Chen, National University of Singapore
Dr. Oliver Chen is a visiting fellow at the Department of
Mathematics and Centre for Financial Engineering of the
National University of Singapore. He has previously taught
in the Financial Mathematics programmes at the University of
Toronto and Imperial College, London. His current research
interests are in credit risk and interest rate modeling.
Abstract - A method for generating a stochastic
process on a discrete lattice is given. These discrete
stochastic processes are based on birth-death processes and
have traditional diffusion processes as limits. One can
introduce stochastic volatility and jumps with little
computational overload. As an application, a credit risk
model is proposed in which a credit-worthiness variable
reflects the credit rating of each reference entity. The
model can be calibrated to match historical credit rating
transition and default probabilities. Upon addition of a
drift, credit spreads can also be matched.
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The Volatility Risk Premium
Embedded in Currency Options
Buen-Sin Low (CPA, CFA), Nanyang Technological University
Buen Sin is Associate Professor of finance and the
Director of the MSc (Financial Engineering) Program at the
Nanyang Technological University. His publications have
appeared in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Business
Finance and Accounting, among others. He also has been
actively involved in industry consultation and has conducted
well-received in-house executive seminars for major
organizations in Asia and Europe. He is currently the
Technical Consultant for Ernst & Young, Transaction Advisory
Abstract - This study employs a non-parametric
approach to investigate the volatility risk premium in the
over-the-counter currency option market. Using a large
database of daily quotes on delta neutral straddle in four
major currencies – the British Pound, the Euro, the Japanese
Yen, and the Swiss Franc – we find that volatility risk is
priced in all four currencies across different option
maturities and the volatility risk premium is negative. The
volatility risk premium has a term structure where the
premium decreases in maturity. We also find evidence that
jump risk may be priced in the currency option market.
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