Institute for Mathematical Sciences Event Archive
Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Character Varieties
(18 June - 15 August 2010)
Co-sponsored by Global COE (Center of Excellence) of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Compview
and the National Science Foundation (USA)
Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Sponsor · Poster · Activities · Inquiries · Student/Recent PhD Financial Application Form
- William Goldman (University of Maryland)
- Caroline Series (University of Warwick)
- Ser Peow Tan (National University of Singapore)
- Javier Aramayona (National University of Ireland at Galway)
- Craig Hodgson (The University of Melbourne)
- Sadayoshi Kojima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Yair Minsky (Yale University)
- Makoto Sakuma (Hiroshima University)
- Jean-Marc Schlenker (Université Toulouse III)
- Yan Loi Wong (National University of Singapore)
- Yasushi Yamashita (Nara Women's University)
- Ying Zhang (Suzhou University)
This program concerns character varieties of representations in a Lie group G of a discrete group π, for example, the fundamental group of a surface. These varieties have rich geometry and are related to interesting topological objects such as locally homogeneous geometric structures on manifolds, and moduli spaces arising in gauge theory. When π is the fundamental group of a surface group S, the mapping class group acts with a complicated and mysterious dynamics.
Character varieties lie at the confluence of many important areas of mathematics including algebraic geometry, hyperbolic geometry, Kleinian groups, Teichmueller theory and three dimensional topology, dynamical systems, gauge theory, and number theory. Their study reveals many deep and rich connections between these fields. The program will bring together some of the leading experts from these different backgrounds to explain their subjects and explore connections between them, to report on the latest developments and to chart out new directions. It also aims to introduce various aspects of this important subject to graduate students and young researchers, discussing open problems and fostering future research in this area. It is hoped that participants will also profit from the opportunity to interact and experiment with computer experts during the program.
This program is co-sponsored by Global COE (Center of Excellence) of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Compview and the National Science Foundation (USA). |
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The following activities are planned:
Tutorials on background material / Summer school: 28 Jun - 16 Jul 2010
Venue: IMS Auditorium (28 - 2 Jul 2010)
Venue: LT24 (5 - 9 Jul 2010)
Venue: LT25 (12 - 16 Jul 2010)
Tutorials will form the core of a summer school, with several series of tutorial lectures on relevant topics. Students and young postdocs from various parts of the world, including a significant portion from developing countries in Asia, will be invited to participate.
Tutorial Lecturers
- Javier Aramayona (National University of Ireland at Galway, Ireland)
- Todd Drumm (Howard University, USA)
- David Dumas (University of Illinois, Chicago, USA)
- Inkang Kim (KIAS, Korea)
- Chris Leininger (University of Illinois, UC, USA)
- John Parker (University of Durham, UK)
- Eugene Xia (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- Yasushi Yamashita (Nara Women’s University, Japan)
- Ying Zhang (Suzhou University, China)
Workshop: 19 - 30 Jul 2010 (An ICM Satellite Conference)
A series of survey talks by senior experts, complemented with shorter talks by young researchers, will outline new and interesting directions for research. We hope all participants will have the opportunity to present their work. Computer experimentation will be a significant part of the program, and the workshop will also include computer demonstrations.
Survey Speakers
- Steven Bradlow (University of Illinois, UC, USA)
- Kenneth Bromberg (University of Utah, USA)
- Richard Canary (University of Michigan, USA)
- Craig Hodgson (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Steven Kerckhoff (Stanford University, USA)
- Sadayoshi Kojima (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Feng Luo (Rutgers University, USA)
- Jean-Marc Schlenker (Université Toulouse III, France)
- Caroline Series (University of Warwick, UK)
- Ser Peow Tan (National University of Singapore)
Conference: 10 - 14 Aug 2010 (An ICM Satellite Conference)
Leading experts from around the world will speak on the main topics of the program.
* Note: Monday, 9 Aug 2010 is a public holiday and our office will be closed.
Invited Speakers
- Jeff Brock (Brown University, USA)
- Serge Cantat (University de Rennes I, France)
- William Goldman (University of Maryland, USA)
- Francois Labourie (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
- Gaven Martin (Massey University, New Zealand)
- Mahan Mj (RKM Vivekananda University, India)
- Alan Reid (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
- Makoto Sakuma (Hiroshima University, Japan)
- Peter Shalen (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
- Teruhiko Soma (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
- Shicheng Wang (Beijing University, China)
- Richard Wentworth (University of Maryland, USA)
- Mike Wolf (Rice University, USA)
- Scott Wolpert (University of Maryland, USA)
Special Seminar:
Title: Extending pseudo-Anosov maps into handlebodies
Date & Time: Wednesday, 4 Aug 2010, 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Speaker: Ian Biringer, Yale University, USA
Venue: IMS Auditorium
Poster Sessions:
Participants and students will have the opportunity to display posters of their work during the workshop and the conference. Interested participants should contact Javier Aramayona at javier.aramayona(AT) for details. In the event of overwhelming demand, posters will be selected for display on a competitive basis.
Online registration: Students and researchers who are interested in attending these activities and who do not require financial aid are requested to complete the online registration form.
The following do not need to register:
- Those invited to participate.
- Those applying for financial support.
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences has limited funds to cover partial support for travel and living expenses for young scientists interested in participating in the program. Applications should be received at least three (3) months before the commencement of the program. Application form is available in (MSWord|PDF|PS) format for download.
Application for financial support is closed.
More information is available by writing to:
Institute for Mathematical Sciences
National University of Singapore
3 Prince George's Park
Singapore 118402
Republic of Singapore
or email to imssec(AT)
For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Ser Peow Tan at mattansp(AT)
The IMS has limited funding to support local expenses for graduate students and recent PhD’s (Jan 2009 or later) from overseas who are interested in attending the summer school, or other parts of the program. Preference will be given to those who are obtaining partial support from other sources. Interested participants from the region (Asean countries, India, China) and developing countries are especially encouraged to apply.
Financial support will be decided by the co-chairs of the program, and awarded on a competitive basis. The rates for on campus student housing are S$25 per night for a non air-conditioned room. Successful applicants will be provided with a lump sum to cover their local expenses (accommodation and/or simple meals on campus). Note that travel costs will only be covered in exceptional circumstances.
Interested applicants can complete the online form here. Note that applicants are required to provide a two page CV, a 200 word statement on why they are interested in the program, and a letter of reference from their advisor or an appropriate referee. The deadline for applications is 31 Jan 2010. Students who do not require financial support but who would like help in securing on-campus accommodation should also fill in the form.
Application for financial support is closed.
All applicants will be notified of their application outcome via email by end of March 2010
Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Sponsor · Poster · Activities · Inquiries · Student/Recent PhD Financial Application Form