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Coding, Cryptology and Combinatorial Designs
(15 May - 11 June 2011)

Jointly organized with Nanyang Technological University


Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Activities · Venue · Funding for Students/Young Scientists


 Organizing Committee






 Visitors and Participants





Recent advances of communication and computing technologies provide fascinating opportunities for online commercial activities, business transactions and government services over open computer and communications networks. Such developments are only possible if communication can be conducted in a secure and reliable way. The theory and practice of coding theory and cryptography underpin the provision of effective security and reliability for data communication, processing and storage.

The theory of combinatorial designs originally deals with problems of arranging objects according to certain rules. Recently, it has found applications in computer science, statistics, digital communication and cryptography. On the other hand, problems arising from coding theory and cryptography also spur new advances in the study of difference sets and planar functions.

The aim of the program is to bring together academic researchers in coding theory, cryptology, combinatorial design theory, and related areas. The program will provide a joint forum for specialists in the theory and applications of these areas to present their results and exchange views, while it will also focus on emerging developments and discussion of open problems in the fields.


The program consists of two workshops and two weeks of informal discussions involving well-established experts as well as PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

Students and researchers who are interested in attending these activities and who do not require financial aid are requested to complete the online registration form.

The following do not need to register:

  • Those invited to participate.
  • Those applying for financial support.





 Funding for Students/Young Scientists


The Institute for Mathematical Sciences has limited funds to cover living expenses for students and young scientists interested in participating in the program. Applications should be received at least three (3) months before the commencement of the program. Interested applicants can complete the online form here.


For enquiries, please email us at ims(AT)

Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Activities · Venue · Funding for Students/Young Scientists

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