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      Scientific aspects





Computational Methods in Biomolecular Structures and Interaction Networks

(9 Jul - 3 Aug 2007)

...  Jointly organized with Genome Institute of Singapore

Organizing Committee ·  Confirmed Visitors · Overview · Activities · Membership Application

 Organizing Committee


  • Yu Zong Chen (National University of Singapore)
  • Vladimir Kuznetsov (Genome Institute of Singapore)


  • Xiang Yang Liu (National University of Singapore)
  • Boon Chuan Low (National University of Singapore)
  • Louxin Zhang (National University of Singapore)

 Confirmed Visitors


This program will discuss recent progress and facilitate the exchange of new ideas in the development and application of mathematical algorithms and computational methods for studying biomolecular structures, their interactions and networks. It is also intended to promote stronger communication and collaboration among mathematical, computational and biological scientists in order to examine essential and unsolved mathematical problems arising from structural and network biology.

The program will be structured around two workshops and two tutorials designed to bring together researchers from a wide spectrum of mathematical and computational biology. The main themes to be covered include

  • Computational algorithms for large-scale analysis, classification and predictions of structures, motifs, modules, and biomolecular interactions;

  • Mathematical models and computer simulation of structural and evolution dynamics of macromolecules and their interactions,

  • Deterministic, probabilistic, and cellular automata models of biomolecular interaction networks and pathways,

  • Algorithms for visualization of complex data and networks, as well as other unsolved problems arising from macromolecular imaging research.

This interdisciplinary program represents a unique opportunity to further integrate and synergize the strengths of mathematics and computer science with biology in the post-genomics era.


  • Workshops:
    1. Probabilistic and deterministic models of structure and complexity dynamics of large-scale biomolecular interaction networks: From concept to analysis and validation, 16 – 20 July 2007

    2. Data analysis and modeling of protein-DNA, protein-RNA, protein-protein and RNA-DNA interactions: identification and prediction of molecular structures and their biological functions, 30 July – 3 August 2007

  • Tutorials:
    1. New approaches to mathematical modeling, simulation and analysis of biomolecular interaction networks, 9 – 13 July 2007

    2. Models and computational algorithms of structural determination of macromolecules, their interactions and bio-imaging, 23 – 27 July 2007

IMS Membership is not required for participation in above activities. For attendance at these activities, please complete the online registration form.

If you are an IMS member or are applying for IMS membership, you do not need to register for these activities.

 Membership Application

The Institute for Mathematical Sciences invites applications for membership for participation in the above program. Limited funds to cover travel and living expenses are available to young scientists. Applications should be received at least three (3) months before the commencement of membership. Application form is available in (MSWord|PDF|PS) format for download.

More information is available by writing to:
Institute for Mathematical Sciences
National University of Singapore
3 Prince George's Park
Singapore 118402
Republic of Singapore
or email to imssec@nus.edu.sg.

For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Vladimir A. Kuznetsov at kuznetsov@gis.a-star.edu.sg.

Organizing Committee ·  Confirmed Visitors · Overview · Activities · Membership Application