Institute for Mathematical Sciences Event Archive





Sequence and gene expression analysis


Population and statistical genetics


Protein interaction and clinical data analysis


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  Academic matter


Post-Genome Knowledge Discovery
(January – June 2002)

Organizers · Overview · Membership Application



  • Mohan K. Balasubramanian
  • Andrew Barbour
  • Steven E. Brenner
  • Choy Leong Hew
  • Misha Gelfand
  • Richard Lathrop
  • Charles E. Lawrence
  • Jun Liu
  • Philip Long
  • Ed Manser
  • Guna Rajagopal
  • Ee Chee Ren
  • Terry Speed
  • Simon Tavare (Co-chair)
  • Young Truong
  • Michael S. Waterman
  • Limsoon Wong (Co-chair)
  • Wing Hung Wong
  • Louxin Zhang





High-throughput sequencing and functional genomics technologies have given us a draft human genome sequence and have enabled large-scale genotyping and gene expression profiling of human populations. Databases containing large numbers of sequences, polymorphisms, and gene expression profiles of normal and diseased tissues in different clinical states are rapidly being generated for human and model organisms such as mouse, C. elegans, arabidopsis and yeast.


The focus is now shifting to the accurate annotation of genomic sequences, to the interplay between genes and proteins, and to the genetic variability of species. The genome annotation process is increasingly based on comparative approaches involving evolutionary considerations and model organisms. The interplay between DNA and proteins is the most fundamental of biological interactions and has pervasive implications in biology, medicine, and pharmacology. Genetic variability is the source of phenotypic variation, pathogen susceptibility, environmental factor susceptibility, and individual differences in drug response.


The program on Post-Genome Knowledge Discovery will focus on the computational and statistical analysis of sequence and genetic data and the mathematical modeling of complex biological interactions, which are critical to the accurate annotation of genomic sequences, the study of the interplay between genes and proteins, and the study of the genetic variability of species. It is intended to bring together biologists, bioinformaticians, computer scientists, mathematicians and statisticians for interaction and exchange of knowledge and ideas.


The program will focus on the following sub-themes:


  1. Sequence and gene expression analysis (Jan - Feb 2002)
  2. Population and statistical genetics (Mar - Apr 2002)
  3. Protein interaction and clinical data analysis (May - Jun 2002)


There will be tutorials on background material and workshops at research level, in addition to public lectures, lectures to schools, seminars and informal discussions.


Tutorial and Workshop Dates



* IMS Membership is not required for participation in workshops and tutorials. For attendance at workshop and/or tutorial, please complete the registration form (MSWord|PDF|PS) and fax or email to us.


 Membership Application


The Institute for Mathematical Sciences invites applications for membership for participation in the above program. Limited funds to cover travel and living expenses are available to young scientists. Applications should be received at least three (3) months before the commencement of membership. Application form is available in MSWord|PDF|PS format for download.


More information is available by writing to:
       Institute for Mathematical Sciences
       National University of Singapore
       3 Prince George's Park Singapore 118402
       Republic of Singapore


For enquiries on scientific aspects of the program, please email Simon Tavare at stavare(AT) or Limsoon Wong at limsoon(AT)


Organizers · Overview · Membership Application

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