In this 5-day workshop, we aim to bring together pure and string mathematicians who work on the mathematical foundations of string/M-theory and string mathematics, respectively, to further investigate and explore the mathematical underpinnings and implications of string/M-theory, so as to gain a better understanding of the “new kind of geometry” that it embodies. Apart from bringing us closer to obtaining our sought-after “Theory of Everything”, this effort will also help advance pure mathematics and theoretical physics in a nontrivial way, as a better understanding of the “new kind of geometry” that string/M-theory embodies, would mean that new mathematics can be formulated, while current physical models which can be realized within the framework of string/M-theory can also be more deeply understood.
String and M-Theory: The New Geometry of the 21st Century: 10 - 14 Dec 2018
The 5-day workshop will consist of introductory lectures and research talks, with some afternoons free for informal discussions involving all participants. The topics that will be discussed revolve around four sub-themes as follows:
Sub-theme 1: The SQFTs along the M-branes
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