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      Scientific aspects





Workshop on Computational Finance
(29 - 30 Aug 2005)

 Organizing Co-chairs


  • Albert N. Shiryaev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow) (Keynote Speaker)
  • Belal E. Baaquie (National University of Singapore)
  • Oliver Chen (National University of Singapore)
  • Min Dai (National University of Singapore)
  • Xing Jin (National University of Singapore)
  • Kian-Guan Lim (Singapore Management University)
  • Tiong-Wee Lim (National University of Singapore)
  • Xiaoqing Liu (DBS Bank Ltd)
  • Yanhui Liu (DBS Bank Ltd)
  • Buen-Sin Low (Nanyang Technological University)
  • Tatiana B. Tolozova (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
  • Yonggan Zhao (Nanyang Technological University)


The 2-day workshop will consist of seminars by expert researchers from academia and industry in the areas of Monte Carlo methods in computational finance, theoretical pricing of American and exotic options, quantum theory in interest rate pricing, credit risk and derivatives pricing, volatility, and risk management topics such as VaR and model risk.

It is open to researchers as well as to finance and banking professionals in the quantitative finance, structured finance, and risk management industry.


  • IMS Auditorium
    Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NUS
    3 Prince George's Park
    Singapore 118402
  • Getting to IMS

 Program Schedule


Day 1 - Monday, 29 Aug 2005

09:00am - 09:25am


09:25am - 09:30am

Opening Remarks by Louis Chen, Director, IMS

09:30am - 10:15am

Towards the Technical Analysis: Prediction, Estimation of the Changes in Stock Prices, and Price Range Charts (Part I)
Albert N. Shiryaev, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow

10:15am - 10:45am

--- Coffee Break ---

10:45am - 11:30am

Towards the Technical Analysis: Prediction, Estimation of the Changes in Stock Prices, and Price Range Charts (Part II)
Albert N. Shiryaev and Tatiana B. Tolozova, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow

11:30am - 12:15pm

Hedging and Pricing Options with Transaction Costs
Tiong-Wee Lim , National University of Singapore

12:15pm - 02:15pm

--- Lunch break ---

02:15pm - 03:00pm

Weak Interest Rate Parity and Currency Portfolio Diversification
Yonggan Zhao, Nanyang Technological University
   Paper: PDF...

03:00pm - 03:45pm

Feynman Perturbation Expansion for the Price of Coupon Bond Options and Swaptions in a Field Theory of Forward Interest Rates
Belal E. Baaquie, National University of Singapore
   Presentation slides: PPT...    Paper: PDF...

03:45pm - 04:15pm

--- Coffee Break ---

04:15pm - 05:00pm

Pricing Mortgage Backed Securities: Continuous Time Stanton's Model
Min Dai, National University of Singapore
   Presentation slides: PDF...


End of Day 1


Day 2 - Tuesday, 30 Aug 2005

09:30am - 10:15am

The Volatility Risk Premium Embedded in Currency Options
Buen-Sin Low, Nanyang Technological University
   Paper: PDF...

10:15am - 10:45am

--- Coffee Break ---

10:45am - 11:30am

Reclaiming Quasi-Monte Carlo Efficiency in Portfolio Value-at-Risk Simulation
Xing Jin, National University of Singapore

11:30am - 12:15pm

Detecting Extreme Risk Spillover Between Financial Markets
Yanhui Liu, DBS Bank Ltd

12:15pm - 02:15pm

--- Lunch break ---

02:15pm - 03:00pm

The Hull and White Model: Its Advantages, Disadvantages and Enhancements
Xiaoqing Liu, DBS Bank Ltd

03:00pm - 03:45pm

Credit Risk Premia
Kian-Guan Lim, Singapore Management University
   Presentation slides: PPT...

03:45pm - 04:15pm

--- Coffee Break ---

04:15pm - 05:00pm

Discrete Credit Barrier Models
Oliver Chen, National University of Singapore
   Paper: PDF...


End of Workshop



Please complete the registration form (MSWord|PDF|PS) and fax to (65) 6873 8292 or email to

Industry participants are required to pay a registration fee of S$200 for the 2-day Workshop. Industry participants may be eligible for Financial Sector Development Fund (FSDF) support on a case by case basis. Interested applicants should submit their applications to the FSDF Secretariat directly. More details on the FSDF can be found at Please send a cheque of S$200 payable to "National University of Singapore" and address to

  Institute for Mathematical Sciences
  National University of Singapore
  3 Prince George's Park
  Singapore 118402

or bring it along on the day of registration.
