Jointly organized by the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore.





All participants (including invited speakers) who wish to give a talk or present a poster must submit an abstract.


Only online submission will be accepted.


The abstract should not exceed 400 words.


The abstract should include AMS subject classifications and key words/phrases.


The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15 April 2008.


Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstracts by 31 March 2008 if the abstracts are submitted on or before 15 March 2008  


Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstracts by 30 April 2008 if the abstracts are submitted on or before 15 April 2008.


We regret that late submissions will not be accepted.


The editorial team reserves the right to edit general information and format of (accepted) abstracts for standardization.



Submission of abstract closed.



Department of Statistics & Applied Probability
6, Science Drive 2
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117546
Republic of Singapore
Fax: (65) 6872 3919