Jointly organized by the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore.


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Plenary Speakers

Probability problems arising from genetics and ecology

Richard Durrett
Cornell University
Wald Lectures

Impact of dimensionality and independence learning

Jianqing Fan
Princeton University
Laplace Lecture

Free Brownian motion and applications

Alice Guionnet
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Lévy Lecture

Statistical models with autogenerated units

Peter McCullagh
University of Chicago
Neyman Lecture

Dynamical and near-critical percolation

Oded Schramm
Microsoft Research
BS-IMS Special Lecture

A picture is worth a thousand numbers: communicating uncertainties following statistical analyses

David Spiegelhalter
University of Cambridge and MRC Biostatistics Unit
Bernoulli Lecture

Disconnection of discrete cylinders and random interlacements

Alain-Sol Sznitman
ETH Zürich
Kolmogorov Lecture

Genome sharing among related individuals: an approximate answer to the right question

Elizabeth Thompson
University of Washington
Tukey Lecture 

Are frontiers always symmetric?

Wendelin Werner
Université Paris-Sud
BS-IMS Special Lecture

IMS Medallion Lectures
Symmetric random walks in random environments

Martin Barlow
University of British Columbia

Probability and statistics in internet information retrieval

Zhi-Ming Ma
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beijing

Adaptive estimation of convex functions

Mark Low, University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University

Public Lecture
Climate past, climate present and climate future: A tale from a statistician

Douglas Nychka
US National Center for Atmospheric Research


































Department of Statistics & Applied Probability
6, Science Drive 2
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117546
Republic of Singapore
Fax: (65) 6872 3919