Jointly organized by the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore.



Laha Travel Award


Established by Institute of Mathematical Statistics with funds bequested by the late Professor Radha Govind Laha.


To provide funds for travel to present a paper at the IMS Annual Meeting.


First priority to students, second priority to New Researchers within 2 years of Ph.D. degree at the date of the meeting. Applicants must be members of IMS.


Grants per award provided to Laha awardees have been typically around US$500. The actual amount of an award depends on the travel distance to the IMS statistical meeting. Grants will be reimbursed against receipts and may be combined with other sources of funding.


All applications must be received by 1 February 2008.


Visit for more details and application instructions.



Travel grants for U.S. Participants 


Funding is anticipated from the U.S. National Science Foundation for approximately 15-20 travel awards of U.S. $1000-1500 each to help defray the travel costs of junior researchers, women, and members of underrepresented minorities from the United States participating in the 7th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, 14-19 July 2008 in Singapore.


Junior researchers are those who received their Ph.D.'s in 2001 or later, or who are advanced graduate students working on Ph.D. dissertations. All applicants must be affiliated with a U.S. institution and not have an individual NSF grant. Following standard NSF restrictions concerning travel, recipients of travel grant funds for airfare must travel on U.S. carriers. All grant recipients must provide receipts for expenses to be reimbursed, whether for airfare, lodging or subsistence, and the receipt must show that you paid. These will need to be submitted by mail with the Cornell travel form which can be found on line.


Applications received by 15 March 2008, will receive full consideration. Applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the principal investigator of the grant, Rick Durrett, and four members of the Scientific Program Committee for the meeting. Applicants will be notified of awards on or before 31 March 2008.


Each application must include the following in the form of a PDF file:



A two page vita including education (all applicants except current Ph.D. students should include Ph.D. year, institution and dissertation title), current position, current research interests, complete list of publications. Advanced Ph.D. student applicants should have their dissertation advisor send a brief letter of recommendation.



Expected level of participation at the conference, e.g., will give a talk or have submitted an abstract for a contributed talk (include title and abstract).



Complete mailing address and e-mail address.



Any federal research or other grants held, and any travel funds applied for.


Those who are eligible and who wish to be considered for travel support should send their applications in the form of a pdf file by e-mail, to Rick Durrett ( After the meeting travel forms and receipts can be sent to him at 523 Malott Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853.


Laha travel awards are also available for this meeting. These awards give first priority to students, second priority to New Researchers within 2 years of Ph.D. degree at the date of the meeting. Applicants must be members of IMS, though joining at the time of application is allowed. One can apply for both the NSF and Laha awards (if eligible), but if funds are accepted from both, the combined amount awarded will not exceed U.S. $1,500.



Financial Support for Participants from China, India and Southeast Asia 


Some limited funds are available from the Local Organizing Committee to provide financial support of up to 1,000 SGD each to participants from China, India and Southeast Asia. Those who wish to be considered for financial support should send their applications in the form of a PDF file by e-mail to Irene Tan ( by 1 March 2008. They will be notified of their application outcome no later than 31 March 2008.


Each application must include the following in the form of a PDF file.



Curriculum vitae (including current position, current research interests, and complete list of publications).



Expected level of participation at the conference, e.g., will give a talk or have submitted an abstract for a contributed talk (include title and abstract).



Complete mailing address and e-mail address.



Any other financial support received or applied for.


For those who do not have a PhD or who obtained their PhD after August 2004, two letters of recommendation are required and should be sent directly by the recommenders to by 1 March 2008. For others, letters of recommendation are optional.



IMS Child Care Initiative


The IMS Child Care Initiative encourages and supports the participation at IMS Annual Meetings (including the Congress) of IMS members having child care responsibilities (for application information see


































Department of Statistics & Applied Probability
6, Science Drive 2
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117546
Republic of Singapore
Fax: (65) 6872 3919