Jointly organized by the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore.




The seventh World Congress in Probability and Statistics, jointly sponsored by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, will be held in Singapore from July 14 to 19, 2008. This meeting is a major international event in probability and statistics held every four years. It features the latest scientific developments in the fields of probability and statistics and their applications.

The program will cover a wide range of topics and will feature thirteen keynote lectures presented by leading specialists. In addition there will be invited paper sessions highlighting topics of current research interest as well as many contributed talks and posters.

The venue for the meeting is the National University of Singapore. Singapore is a vibrant, multi-cultural, cosmopolitan city-state that expresses the essence of today's New Asia. It offers many attractions both cultural and touristic, such as the
Esplanade and the Singapore Night Safari. On behalf of the Scientific Program and Local Organizing Committees we invite you to join us in Singapore for this exciting meeting. Your participation will ensure that the 2008 World Congress will be a memorable scientific event.

Louis Chen, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Ruth Williams, Chair of the Scientific Program Committee




Department of Statistics & Applied Probability
6, Science Drive 2
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117546
Republic of Singapore
Fax: (65) 6872 3919