Jointly organized by the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the National University of Singapore.



1 February 2008


Deadline for application for Laha Travel Award




1 March 2008


Deadline for application for financial support from Local Organizing Committee




15 March 2008


Deadline for application for NSF travel support




31 March 2008


Last day for notification of acceptance of abstracts submitted on or before 15 March 2008



Last day for notification of NSF travel award



Last day for notification of financial support from Local Organizing Committee




15 April 2008


Deadline for submission of abstracts




30 April 2008


Last day for notification of acceptance of abstracts submitted on or before 15 April 2008




22 May 2008


Last day for registration at discounted rate


15 June 2008


Last day for registration at normal rate



Last day for cancellation of registration with partial refund of fee


16 June 2008


Registration with walk-in rate begins


4 July 2008


Last day for on-line registration







Department of Statistics & Applied Probability
6, Science Drive 2
Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117546
Republic of Singapore
Fax: (65) 6872 3919