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IMS-JSPS Joint Workshop on Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics
(15 - 16 January 2016)


Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Activities · Venue


 Organizing Committee


 Visitors and Participants




This workshop is jointly sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the National University of Singapore. There has been increasing interaction among researchers in East Asia in the field of the foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic. This has led to the organization of a number of workshops and conferences in China, Japan, Korea and Singapore with active participation of researchers from the region. Three successful workshops in computability theory (recursion theory) and the foundations of mathematics were held in the city of Tokyo in 2013, 2014 and 2015, the last two of which were also recognized as part of the joint JSPS-NUS collaboration project. The first workshop in Singapore under this project took place at the IMS in September 2014. This two-day workshop is the second to be organized at the IMS and will provide a venue for continued interaction and serve as a platform for exploring new research collaboration opportunities in three broad areas of common interest: reverse mathematics (involving both standard and nonstandard models of arithmetic), algorithmic randomness (in both classical and higher setting), and set theory (particularly cardinal characters of the continuum).


The first day of the workshop will focus on reverse mathematics and forms part of the New Challenges in Reverse Mathematics program. The second day of the workshop shifts its attention to set theory and general topics in recursion theory.


Friday, 15 Jan 2016

09:45am - 10:00am


10:00am - 11:00am

Determinacy strength of infinite games in omega-languages recognized by variations of automata (PDF)
Kazuyuki Tanaka, Tohoku University, Japan

11:00am - 11:30am

-- Group Photo & Coffee Break ---

11:30am - 12:30pm

The proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs (PDF)
Keita Yokoyama, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

12:30pm - 02:00pm

--- Lunch Break ---

02:00pm - 03:00pm

Reflection and the fine-structure theorem (PDF)
Alexander P. Kreuzer, National University of Singapore

03:00pm - 03:30pm

-- Coffee Break ---

03:30pm - 04:30pm

Weak choice principles in the Weihrauch degrees (PDF)
Takayuki Kihara, The University of California, Berkeley, USA

Saturday, 16 Jan 2016

09:10am - 09:15am


09:15am - 09:55am

The downward directed grounds hypothesis (PDF)
Toshimichi Usuba, Kobe University, Japan

10:00am - 10:15am

-- Coffee Break ---

10:15am - 10:55am

Boolean valued second order logic (PDF)
Daisuke Ikegami, Tokyo Denki University, Japan

11:00am - 11:40am

Forcing with matrices of countable elementary submodels (PDF)
Borisa Kuzeljevic, National University of Singapore

11:45am - 12:25pm

A survey on Q-degrees (PDF)
Guohua Wu, Nanyang Technological University

12:25pm - 01:45pm

--- Lunch Break ---

01:45pm - 02:25pm

An overview on recent results on semiautomatic groups and semigroups (PDF)
Frank Stephan, National University of Singapore

02:30pm - 03:10pm

The uniqueness of Eigen-distribution for multi-branching trees (PDF)
Shohei Okisaka, Tohoku University, Japan

03:15pm - 03:30pm

-- Coffee Break ---

03:30pm - 04:10pm

Thoughts on indicators and density notions (PDF)

Keita Yokoyama, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

04:15pm - 04:55pm

Characterizing uniform provability by intuitionistic provability (PDF)
Makoto Fujiwara, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

05:00pm - 05:40pm

Another algebraic decomposition of R (PDF)
Yiqun Liu, National University of Singapore

06:15pm - 08:30pm

Dinner (Volunteer and self paid)
Venue: The Scholar Chinese Restaurant, NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House




Organizing Committee · Visitors and Participants · Overview · Activities · Venue

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